Tuesday, August 18

Caramel Pudding

Here I'm gonna share a recipe with y'all- Caramel Pudding Recipe.

I know it is a common dessert. But making it nice and smooth are other story.

Well, ingredients you need:
1. 4 cups milk
2. 1 cup brown sugar
3. 1/4 cup butter
4. 4 egg whites
5. 4 egg yorks
6. 1 cup granulated sugar
7. 1/4 cup cornstarch

1. Bring brown sugar and milk to a boil keep stirring.
2. Beat yorks and cornstarch together in a big bowl and add butter to it.
3. Add it to the first mixture and cook, keep stirring till thick.
4. Pour it into the greased baking pan and bake at 350° F, till brown.
5. Beat egg whites with sugar and brush on top.
6. Now return to the oven and bake until the top turn golden brown.
7. Serve on plate.

Another way of making Caramel Pudding, that is:

1. 4 cups full cream milk
2. 7 eggs
3. 1 cup sugar
4. 1/2 tsp nutmeg powder
5. 1 tsp vanilla essence

1. Prepare a mould/pudding cups/ramekin cups for the custard by greasing very lightly with
2. Heat 1/2 cup of sugar with 1 tsp of water in a pan till it melts and turns golden browns. Pour
this caramalised sugar into the pudding mould/ pudding cups. ramekin cups and swirl to coat
the sides of the mould. Keep aside to cool.
3. If baking, preheat your over now to 180°C.
4. Mix the eggs and remaining sugar together in a large bowl and blend till all the sugar has
dissolved. Now add the milk, vanilla essence and nutmeg and blend again.
5. Pour this mixture into the mould/pudding cups/ramekin cups in a large, deep baking pan.
Pour hot water into the baking pan till it is about 1" below the rim of the moulds.
6. If steaming in a pressure cooker: It is advisable to use one mould in this case Place the mould
in the pressure cooker- elevate the mould with a pressure cooker ring (of overtuned
flat-bottomed metal bowl). Pour water very carefully in to the pressure cooker till it is about
2" below the rim of the mould.
7. If baking in over: Cook for about 45 minites or till the custard is firm. Test by inserting a
toothpick in the center. If it comes out clean, the pudding is done.
8. If steaming in a pressure cooker: Cook for half and hour and then check for doneness as above.
When cooked, cool the pudding and then chill in the refridgerator for an hour or two.
9. To serve, plate a plate over the mould/ pudding cups/ ramekin cups, hold firmly in place and
turn over gently. The pudding will turn over onto the plate, caramel side up! Pour some of the
remaining caramel (if any) over the pudding and serve.

PS: Sugar can be lessen if you prefer that way. It'll be quite to TOO sweet according to the recipe. So, caution on that.

Other than that... BON APPETIT!!!!

Sunday, August 9

Congratuations bro!

Bro... You've finally finished your part one Architech school. Sniff, it's beautiful! We shall call it... CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!

Day 3

Day 2 went to Shi Lin nightmarket, and day 3 was Taipei's one of the best shopping district and nightmarket-XI MEN DING. If you watch any Taiwan's entertainment show like, Guess (Jacky Wu) and many other show, then you'll be able to know that actually Xi Men Ding is a place where they like to go for some films.

In Xi Men Ding, I've only looking forward for eating AH ZHONG MIAN XIAN, which known as Oyster Noodle. The noodle has already started since 1957. The noodle can be having there on spot or to go. If you buy and eat there, you'll be exactly like those people in the picture. Standing and slurping their noodles... Which is pretty normal to Malaysian people, like me to see this kind of scene. But the thing is, no matter how long is the queue, all the people are still willing to queue up and wait patiently in the line!!! WHY? Simply because the noodle is really nice! I should say, more of an acquire taste... Because I find it nice, but not my mum.
Well, You tell me! =)
Beside having nice oyster noodle, there are still plenty of good food ahead.... I won't list them out, but you should have look for them online or simply take a trip down to Taiwan! ^^ However... Intro me in return if you've found any other tasty food! Gracias!


Saturday, August 8

Day 2

Talkin' about Taiwan trip.... We all will naturally (perhaps) think of "ye shi" which is "night market" in mandarine. I er... Love night market as the matter of fact! Who doesn't? Well, I have no idea, but I think night markets in Taiwan are extremely great!!!

Day 2 in Taiwan... Mw, have had all pumped up with all the energies... And wantin' the second day trip in Taiwan to be perfecto! I've told myself that the plan would be all EAT and SEE and EAT and SEE.... Hmph, sounds more like a no-plan-plan to me anyway... However, first thing I've tried was taking random buses to everywhere... Eventually stopped at the subway station and start lookin' at the map by knowing where should I be going to the mall-Miramar Entertainment Park also known as MEI LI HUA in madarine....I've heard that the mall has this pretty huge ferris wheel beside it, and that's kinda attracted me by goin' there. Meanwhile, I have had a friend- Jacky, to meet up who happened to be my friend in Canada, from my university.

We did nothing much in the mall beside window shopped and eat! I've got a oversize tote for my future sister-in-law and nothing, really nothing, for myself! Jacky and I went to arcade center for some basketball dunking games and we went off... To the NIGHT MARKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(some random ballons flew all over towards the sky... And I love it! Should have do it sometimes later in life~)

The nightmarket- SHI LIN YE SHI is basically all-eat-and-buy-centre and the prices are all insanely cheap!!! For both the food or nonfood items... Because of the prices are reasonable, and the foods are all delicious, which caused the centre have had an influx of customers and tourists! Whoever been there before should know. For those who have not yet been to the nightmarket, should have plan a trip down to Taiwan! It's really awesome.

The famous food at the market are variety, I can list out a lil':
1. big sausage wrapped small sausage
2. fresh fruits on ice
3. sweet potato balls
4. XXL chicken chop
5. stinky tofu
6. pig brain soup
7. oyster omellet
8. tempura
9. fried sweet bun
10. duck vs. pig-blood stick
11. blackpepper biscuit-bun
12. octopus hotdog
13. bubble tea
14. ice-jelly
.... and many many more....

Interesting fact in the nightmarket is that, you can see bazillion of fake items, i.e: bape, louis vuitton, gucci etc etc. (You name it, you got it) However, this is more like a nightmarket scene, as you've already know it, I'm sure. Some of the street vendors are selling-goods illegally, meaning, they were un-lisenced. Whenever there are some polices wander around in the night market, you can see all of those street vendors running away as fast as the lightning. They don't care about what the tourisms think about them by running their life doing illegal fact, but they will eventually come out on the street again, once the police had gone.


Try to go to the one of those nightmarket in Taiwan. I'm sure you'll get as many of what you've wanted. =)

Friday, August 7

Taiwan trip

Sorry in trizillion ways of the late update of my blog post. As if you have read the previous short blog which I have had posted, I have already mentioned that I was going to Taipei, Taiwan for about 5 days. Vacation of course!

First, thanks to Ais Asia for providing such low-cost flight for all of us... It's cheap and it's GREAT for the overall services! WE LOVE IT! Maybe I'm a chicken-rice-lover and that's made me LOVE their chicken rice... Even though the chicken rice is really simple.... I MEANT IT!!! Imagine on how you having chicken rice in Malacca... Or even in normal chicken rice shop. At least you'll get a bowl of soup. But on the flight, air asia just serve chicken rice with a few pieces of roasted chicken (boneless), and rice and a pack of chili sauce. And that was what I meant NICE!!!!!!!

Journey from Malaysia to Taipei is taking up four and a half hours. It's not unbearable LONG. What you need to do is just stretch a little, sleep and listen to some music, or talk to your neighbour. (Finger crossing for getting a talkative neighbour or good listener!) Simply, time flies as I believe that 98% of human beings are complaining about. NOW, four and a half hours can go off LIKE THAT - snap! Good idea isn't it??? Besides, if you have forgotten your ipod or mp3, you can just request to one of the cabin crews and I believe that they are willingly to help you right away to sign up Xcite. Which allows you to excess to movies and music and a lot more entertainments on the plane. You got to pay directly before you can excess to one of those entertainments, but think about it, you have just pay for the world cheapest fare to go travel, and paying a bit of money to get some entertainments is still cheap! Do not be "ku pik" for : "OH, I'm not going to pay it.... What lah, watching a movie on the plane also have to pay..."

Anyhow, four and a half hours had gone....

First thing I have had noticed was this four young Taiwan's stars as a poster with a few words stated :TOUR TAIWAN which is basically means "welcome to taiwan" in the Taipei's airport. Wu Jun is always looking great. He just does! So I'd took a photo with him. =p

After we have had gone through the immigration deck with our passport checked and we have a little tour in the airport, just to er... simply look around. Eventually we had left the airport and heading to Taipei city-where we are going to stay for the rest of the trips. The outside-look of the airport... I didn't really have walked all the way out around the airport, because the Mr. Sun is super strong and heat!!!! The weather in Taipei is unbearable HOT!!! Trust me, I was sweating at the time while taking this picture!!!! You just have to move your fingers, and you'll find it wet! Don't believe me? Go to Taiwan during their freaking summer time!!!! Experience it yourself!

After a few hours resting, we were then again heading out to grab our dinner! Global mall is just two kilometres away from where we were staying. Which is greatly convenient enough for us! Global Mall is huge and what you wanted to get, what you need to do is just step into it and you'll definitely find it!!!!! Pets lover are ever needless to say much, the pet shop in the Global Mall is the greatest! It's like another version of heaven for you!!! Anyway, the dinner we have had for the first day arrived at Taipei was mixture-Jap-and-Korean-style dishes! Sounds precisely awful which some of you found it is pretty normal but-not-me! But taste was all great and delicious and matter-of-factly, the waitress and waiters were all friendly and kind!

However, foods were great, dessert were wonderful and the price was inordinarily reasonable! It was all went well on the first day! I love being away from Malaysia for awhile. Who doesnt? Right??? Having two kids-my niece and nephew around me and bully me as an tiny entertainment that I'd never really will get for at least 10 years in my life wasn't that bad at all! What you need to do is just to put a little patient with them and love them as how they will in return when they grow-up-with-not-so-egocentric! I wasn't a kid person at all... But think it otherwise, I've been someone's child too. No one loves me nor take care of me, I wouldn't have being here, blog-posting....

Hmph, walking around in the mall... Seeing their environment and people walking around in the mall.. It's really different, who you see are all sharing the same skin tone with you! I'd say 99%! They don't alienate you! Besides, their 7-11 store is hundred times better than the one in Malaysia! They're far more tidious than ours, a lot more choices than ours, and surprisingly, their things are better and cuter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They don't expect you to bring in cash all the time, but on the other hand, you can simply reload to your 7-11 i-cash card and bring it with you all the time for any purchases in the store! They have many more choices of the cards and it is only cost 100 bucks which approximately RM10.

So far for the day one.... It was as I remember we were tired! Like a dead fish craved for oxygen on the river-bed! =>

Sunday, August 2

haunted ladies room =\

At Taipei's subway station... Whichever ladies washroom which-I-will-not-tell has had a case. REAL case!!! A female teacher had commited suicide in the very last toilet in this washroom. Try to go into the toilet... Feel the........... FEEL. I'm sure you'll really enjoy it. =S

Best "po lo pao"

Po Lo Pao also known as pineapple bun. A crunchy top is a golden brown color which gives it the name pineapple even though it has no pineapple in it. The bottom half is soft and sweet. Which is my favorite of all times!

So far the trip in Taipei was ok... nothing exciting happened... Nor funny..... Until....

I have found this PO LO PAO!!!!!!!!!!! Sun Merry Bakery House is the greatest!
At least there are 50% of people who are going to ride on the subway will definitely come in and buy some bread from Sun Merry. And guess what? Pork Pineapple Bun has always finished the fastest!!!! So, if you want to try it? Go early or booking? Perhaps they will take your order!
The po lo pao have had a lot more choices than this! But pork-chop pineapple bun!!! Doesn't it sound extremely EXTREME to all of you??? And guess what? This pineapple bun was considering as NUMBER ONE great bun in TAIPEI! and it's not expensive at all!!! In one pack has 3 pork pineapple buns which cost TWD$ 84 and its about TWD$28 each. Convert to ringgit which will be around RM2.80 each! Which is.... For me, a very reasonable price for a freakin' tasty pineapple bun!!! The pork has had fulfilled the whole bun and when you got your first bite, the pork and the juice will SQUIRK out and splashes your face! (okay, this description has a bit insane... But just imagine it ;] ).

Where else will you find it???

Contact me

Quick!!!!!!!!!!!! For any updates with great po lo pao wherever around the corner of the world!!!! =)

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