Thursday, December 31

2010 resolutions

Another new year has approaching, how fast. As the matter of fact, it will be RIGHT TOMORROW! A quick flash back to the entire 2009 year, I see myself now... At least a grown up gal. A more come-to-self person. I don't pretend to be mature now, because that was just naive! Other than this... I see myself, has had gone through so many things, and still ALIVE! Well, err... What I meant was that I've grown tougher. *Cheers to that*

From 2009 resolutions that I've planned, out of all, frankly, I've only achieved a few, which are the "good grades in uni", "being good in both student" (not the daughter YET *giggles*), and a little bit of improvement in "stop procrastinating work". I couldn't make the best out of the others were because they are all considering as pretty tough customers!!! Oh, I am so not an alcoholic anymore, nor a shopaholic! *Double cheers to that*


  • Walk in heels? Oh, puuuuuuh-lease!!! I rather gotten cut into half than walking in that beast!!! It kills elegancy of yours! (Only to whom like me- a flip-flop person. I couldn't stand on that thing more than an hour.. God-knows-why)
  • I didn't really get my social life in uni blossomed. One strange thing 'bout me here, I couldn't LET GO of myself once I got into a total strange place. Again, God-knows-why but I don't!!!!!! =(
  • How to dress for events. Hmph, this seeming equally as tough as the others. SEE, I don't wrap myself well before heading out... I just make myself feel pretty much comfy and I think that's the most important one, isn't it? Well, who cares anyway? As long as there's an event, I'll go to whoever is fashionista! =)
  • I couldn't really train myself to get better in squash was that because I don't have the time, secondly, I see myself as a minor, so I don't really go out and play with those whoever are great out there! That's why I'm still a ball-picker! *LOL*
New year resolutions are supposedly something that ME set them in, and GO FOR IT, CHANGE IT! Seriously, I've put myself out there before... But I just find it hard and I just stop being changeable! What a loser ei? NOT anymore! I don't want to be that bloody me anymore. SO, 2010 is approaching now, my new year resolutions will be:
  • New year, new university life, new bunch of friends, seriously, I don't want to be a new me, but a recognizable students and fellas right on the new school. Bottom line is that- Make the best out of it!
  • Get to know better from each and every one of my friends. I don't want to be just ACQUAINTANCE but a real true friend! Even closer than before! I find it is difficult to get to know someone across the universe... *giggles* If you know what I mean here... =) *I don't wanna blurt out all the "FATE" thing!!!*
  • In the new coming year- 2010, I hope there will be someone OUT THERE sees my card design, who can really sees it, like it, talk-to-me-into-some-card-customizing-issues/business. Then that's I LIKE. *LMAO* Even though I laughed (really laugh), I mean it! =P
  • As I've mentioned above that I haven't achieve being a good daughter, YESH, indeed, I am not considering one yet... But am improving A LOT now. At least I see it.... I know it.... And I believe that, the following years I'll be bloody great one!
  • Work/study/fun all mix up and be a bloody good time-organizer. I don't want to be just a pure student... But more of it!!!
  • Get myself five huge piggy banks. Saving up $$ to the first one for daily-expenses used. Second for buying myself a Canon DSLR camera. Third one for buying myself a HP desktop. Fourth one for giving my parents come shopping during BOXING day or any visits. Last one for school fees (if any have left). *finger crossing lemme work and earn well-thank God*
These are all that I can think of right now. If there are more coming out from my mind, I'll post them up promptly.

I hope you got your resolution done and good luck to you!

Until then...

Wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

bon anniversaire Papa

Customized card is quite an interest to me. I customize card only depends on my mood, the idea and the person whom I'll be delivered to. Or sometimes, depend on the time limit and all sorts of obstacles that would possibly happened! But to my dad- its his birthday today, then everything will be a total different side of the story! *giggles* I started customizing the birthday card on yesterday night and done in approximately 2 and a half hours. It was 11.34pm last night when I finishing the final touches. I was like "WOILA"!!!! Took some photos and was planning to send it to him on 12 sharp. But, I missed out the fact that, my dad is a early sleeper.

However, will deliver it to him in the morning. So I was then started to bake CAKE!!!! I was going to bake Butter Dark Chocolate Walnut cake for my dad... Why dark chocolate? It was because it doesn't contain that much SUGAR! *giggles* It'll be a little sweet and a little bitter when you once bite. I thought it was a good combination.

Batter finger!!!! My favorite FINGER!!! It, I used to mix all the ingredients and stirred them constantly with!!! Small introduction here, try to check the great stuffs from FRED.

I know you'll love it like I do! *LOL*

When the batter was done, I cracked all the walnut and spread them onto the batter surface... Just so the cake wouldn't tasted only the BUTTER but also the scent and crunchiness of the walnut! Next (the step I hate the most), send the batter into the over and hit 350 Fahrenheit and wait for 35 minutes. For the record, I hate waiting!!! In fact, this is the most on-edge moment to find out if the cake taste either good or gross!

The Hershey's bar on the top right, it was baking unsweetened chocolate bar, I called it DARK CHOCOLATE, however. I melted it eventually which was to spread on the surface once the cake was done from the oven.




35 minutes had reached, and the cake tested all GOOD!!!


The problem was that... When I removed it from the baking pan, IT BROKE INTO A FEW PART!!!!! *yelling like no one's business* You can see it from the picture below. Good thing is that, I'm going to spread the melted dark chocolate on top to cover it! *Wooolala* Almond debris and sprinkler rice are the decoration on top of the cake right after the dark chocolate were spread. I don't want the cake look like a piece of shit... THAT will certainly lose my dad's appetite in the bloody morning!

TA-DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Happy Birthday DADDY!!!! Once the candles have had blown out.. I always knew that your dreams would come true!!!

Love you foralways dad! From all of us! You know who we are! *giggles*
PS: The taste of the cake was indeed as I thought, a little bit of sweet and a little bit of bitter... The combination of the dark chocolate and the butter cake makes my dad s-m--i-l-e across his face!

Bon anniversaire papa!!!! Je t'aime.


Wednesday, December 30

scotch tape

Thanks a lot to SCOTCH!!!! This is how it saves your life when you realize that you've ran out of glue stick by the time when every single stationary shop had closed!

At least it sticks everything that I needed to on my dad's tomorrow birthday card!


Merci SCOTCH tape!!! Je l'apprécie beaucoup!!!!

Monday, December 28

bear shaped egg

Again, something about egg today! Ever wonder that, when you got up in the morning and wondering what to cook for your dad or mom or your girl/boyfriend??? First thing hit my head was, EGG- sunny side up- my favorite!!! Because it was easy and its the fastest food that can be done in a nutshell. BUT the problem now is that, you, will start hearing words like "OH, ARE YOU SERIOUS? EGG AGAIN??? CAN'T YOU MAKE SOMETHING ELSE?" from whoever.

When I was shopping in DAISO- a all-RM5-store, and I found this (the picture below).

It is really easy to use. It won't burn nor melted by heat! What you need to do was... Follow the instructions from the casing. Other than that, you're good to go! You need an egg, crack it and put it into the shape!!! Small heat, and wait patiently while the egg gets all cooked!

Don't worry about the shape-rubber. It won't stick nor melted. REALLY!!! You have my words. And now, you just need plate and serve! Well, I believe, that, at least the first sentence will not be like the previous one, but "OH, WHAT IS THIS? or "WOW, HOW DID YOU DO THAT?".

Of course, make sure you serve with some sausages and some ketchup. Just in case they all started to NAG at you again!

Have fun shopping in DAISO.

Have fun making your own shape of egg, pancakes or anything with the shaped silicon.

Until next time. =)

Friday, December 25

Merry Christmas


Another year has past and a new one is coming.... SOON!

However, I wish everyone here a warm (though Malaysia is definitely warming enough) and joyous Christmas! Have fun till the max. And a wonderful year ahead!

Christmas Eve

Silent night.... Well, that was before the wild night out! *giggles*

Christmas Eve, I have to at least spend time with parents for a dinner. We are not a fans of going out for dinner since quite awhile ago. So, my mum and I were planning to cook some Thai food instead. Simple and nice! I went with the plan.

We cooked... We talked.... We laughed.... And of course we fight too! I love how we did that ALL THE TIMES!!!!

Cooking is kind of an interest to me, really! Anyway....

TA-DAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRR, Here you are- the dinner that we had for Christmas eve>>>>>




>It seems normal, but it tasted really, really, REALLY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!! *giggles*

The shaping was just from any shapes that I could get in my house. You know, just for the nice look which gain your appetite when you stare at it at the first time!

To all of you... Marry Christmas! Enjoy!!!

*PS: I can't wait to be out!!!! *giggles* It's like meeting a long-time-no-see-buddy! The "can't-wait-any-longer" anxiety has already REACHED my throat! HELP!!!!!

Tuesday, December 22

gifting A&F

HO HO HO... Christmas is around the corner... SO CLOSE that everyone has now went shopping, grabbing a list of names/things-to-buy/gifts like mad and so the malls are now all packed up! CROWDED!!!

Summore I know now every mall is having YEAR END SALES... Shopaholic like you have already gone crazy? Have already gotten what you wanted? Hmph.... Strangely, I'm staying in this year (will definitely not happening if I'm now in Toronto)... *giggles* I do online shopping and all sorts.... I don't buy cards nor making cards this year and following years, all these are simply because I want it environmental friendly. I'm sending E-Cards from now on!!!! I think I've destroyed mother nature a lot now...

Anyway.... I'm a Abercrombie fans! HUGE FANS!!!! I even feel like calling my cousin who is staying in New York to grab some outerwear and a few pair of jeans for me.... (Will go more into consideration... *evil laugh*). OK.... I've got a few gifting ideas for y'all... A&F shirts, polo tees, scarfs, coat, winter wear, socks, pants, jeans, or even underwear.... ETC. Your choice. Or a better one, you can always send your friend a gift card.... Not necessarily only by A&F-although this is extremely showing that you're great friend this way.... *giggles* Well, *ahem* Friendship don't cost a dime.... I should say that...

OK.... OK..... Gift ideas.... First, try log in to the
A&F website to check the hell out from their amazing products this year.

OR simply browse through a tiny bit of their products (sorry guys, mostly women's, you browse yourself at the site.... ;P)

These two (above and below) are the same, I love A&F that I sometimes get same items in different colours, crazily, will be all of the colours that are available... *nyehehehhehe* This is known medically - INSANE!

Guys, I won't left you out lah... I picked up one of the coat from all, that, I think its the most yeng one for y'all. If you have a 6'3 height or above... I think... This is fitting you HOT-LY!!! *giggles*

I hope A&F can help you out with the confusion of choosing gifts for your family/friends/girl-or-boyfriends etc... HOPE THIS MUCH HELP....

Again, friendship don't cost a dime, nor family! In fact, no one does! Treat them (not only on occasions) all nicely and with patients all the times... That's the biggest gift that they wanted from you... I believe! =)


Monday, December 21

Christmas I see

After two years away from home, the Christmas holidays I, of course, had spent in Canada with parents? NO.... They were with friends.... Well, I shall say, I miss the time spending Christmas holidays over there.... Not the cold! That was rather crazy!!!

Well, well, well... Christmas decorations in Toronto, ON were all picturesque, once you walked down the street... You get the overwhelming Christmas atmosphere.... Even inside the mall... They give you SWAROVSKI Christmas Tree (In Eaton Centre) which I find it quite hurting my eyes- because of the BLINKness... *giggles*

Its blinky ei??? But at least this is one of my favorite Christmas Tree there....

Even the road side decorations are amazing! Well, they'd changed it every year... Before the Reindeers, it was BEARS.... Cute one!

In Montreal, Even the optical shop set-in a Christmas Tree for all the glasses.... How thoughtful...

Spending Christmas over in Canada, you'll get snow!!! A WHITE CHRISTMAS if were lucky! The thing that I've been missing out the most lately! I miss how we rolled the snow from a small ball to HUGE one! And all sorts of snow ball fighting... ARRRRR!!!! =(

And now, I will be spending my Christmas, this year, in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia. And the Christmas tree they have.... Its probably....



NAH!!!! Here you are....
Until then, enjoy the rest of the upcoming events and all sorts for Christmas PAR-TAY!!!! =)

Sunday, December 20

7 lives to safe

No no no.... this is not the movie- 7 Pounds that I'm talking here. I've got the news from my aunt who is staying in Butterworth, Penang-which is that there are 7 lives are waiting for some kind-hearted people like you to safe. 7 puppies. I got a few pictures (not all 7 of them yet). Please kindly contact the Buddhist Association in Butterworth if you are able to take good care of them.

Thanks a lot.

click here to get the direction.

Thanks a lot, again, if you can help them out. I'm sure, all these will definitely come out from those puppies, not me. They would be more thankful than I am!

Bless you!

Friday, December 18

aim high and dream big

I have a friend who has a few problems regard to her personal life. Which I understood perfectly but I don't have a RIGHT, APPROPRIATE answers for her whenever she's mentioning about it. Am feeling absolutely sorry with it. =(

Anyway, I hope this help. I was back from a gathering (included her), and my mum handed me a pile of old magazines that she has kept for me while I was not here. I've simply picked up August 09 CLEO mag and I've got eyes locked up to this title "THE LIFE RE-EDIT".

To XXX, I hope you're reading this!

What I'll type in the following will be some exact sentences and quotes from the article by Bessie Recep.

"You've spent ages working towards something, only now, you're beginning to question whether it's what you really it's relationships, career or self-related, there inevitably will come times when we suddenly pause, analyze the situation at hand (hey, we're women!) and realize something's not quite right. Sometimes, we can even pinpoint what's caused the revelation (such as a job loss or unexpected relationship break-up); other times, it's not so clear. Either way, we shouldn't have to feel lost in our own feelings. There are ways to regain control and live the life that makes you happy."

It's true though, that, one's life has up and down. Which is pretty much unpredictable. And this makes life happen (although I have still looking for LIFE's definition). Anyway, she shouldn't think everything is what like in her imaginative world though. Once choosing to go there, be there! Participate in whatever shit they provided/have! Not just sitting in the room and think SHITS! Solving a problem is really going to solve it but NOT create another one!

"What am I doing with my life?"
According to Dr. Timothy Sharp
- it's normal to contemplate your direction in life- and happiness levels.
-"Although more people strive for contentment and want to live a good and meaningful life, very few actually know what this would be like. As a result, many people, at some point, feel lost and question what they're doing and where they're going."
- "Questioning can be a very constructive process; you focus on the positives and best possible outcomes."

Psychologist Gemma Cribb agrees, and says contemplation usually arises following an unexpected change of plans - something we should learn to embrace.
- "Change will happen whether we like it or not."
- "Look for the good in every opportunity that presents itself - you may even find that this 'scary' change is exactly what you need to move closer towards your goals."

Put your values first
In order to ponder things without panicking or fearing the worst, you need to pay attention to your true values.
- "Identify what's meaningful to you in life and these values will become a reference point."
- "Values are 'compass points', an idea of what direction y ou should go in, regardless of what other circumstances are happening in your life. They'll also protect you from getting off-track and assuming someone else's values as your own. For example, career may be important to your parents, but not so much to you, so learn to distinguish the difference."
- "balance your optimism with reality"
- "aim high"
- "dream big"

Who doesn't go through all this? Hey, you should know that, we're all only human, whatever you feel, we did too! It's all matter of "how you overcome it/solve it!" We all too, face the cold, hard realities of the day!!!

Gear up your goals
- "Be reasonable with your expectations of yourself and invest your energy towards different areas as the needs arise."

I hope you could find a way to reduce all those so-called stress/unhappiness/meaningless thoughts. All the best luck! I hope this much helps...

Play hard with your own part as a student! =)

PS: I know you can do it!!! *heart*

Thursday, December 17

healthy treats for dog

I'm a dog owner who desperately wants to get her dog gain some pounds with normal, healthy food and ways.

I'm not sure how your dog(s)' habit in eating. But I know that my dog eats a little, in fact, he is goddamn choosy! He doesn't really gain any extra pounds according to his size. So, I went up looking at a veterinary website for some healthy treats recipe for dogs. And I've found this:

* If your dog has already on the appropriate level of weight, please keep it that way, do not over-feed them! It's not loving after all, it'd be TORTURE!!!!

Ingredients you need:
1. 1 pound hamburger (not lean meat)
2. 1 1/3 cups total cereal
3. 1 1/2 cups uncooked oatmeal
4. 1 raw egg
5. 6 tablespoon wheat germ
6. 1 package Knox unflavored gelatin
7. 2 tablespoons virgin olive oil
8. 2 tablespoons molasses
9. pinch of salt

1. mix dry ingredients.
2. using your hand, mix in the rest of the ingredients and mix well.
3. form into patties or balls. Once frozen, pop them into ziploc bag.
4. How many you offer your dog will depend on the dog's size and weight requirement.
5. These are high calories, healthy treats. not a substitute for their regular meal.

PS: If your dog is allergic to chicken (like mine), then choose other ingredients instead. For example, lamb, beef, or salmon is always good for dogs too!My dog loves satin balls!

Hope this much will help!

Before ending, I have an article that I would like to share with you guys!

>>I Rescued A Human Today >>> BY Janine Allen CPDT

I rescued a human today.

Her eyes met mine as she walked down the corridor peering apprehensively into the kennels. I felt her need instantly and knew I had to help her. I wagged my tail, not too exuberantly, so she wouldn't be afraid.

As she stopped at my kennel I blocked her view from a little accident I had in the back of my cage. I didn't want her to know that I hadn't been walked today. Sometimes the shelter keepers get too busy and I didn't want her to think poorly of them.

As she read my kennel card I hoped that she wouldn't feel sad about my past. I only have the future to look forward to and want to make a difference in someone's life. She got down on her knees and made little kissy sounds at me.

I shoved my shoulder and side of my head up against the bars to comfort her.

Gentle fingertips caressed my neck; she was desperate for companionship. A tear fell down her cheek and I raised my paw to assure her that all would be well.

Soon my kennel door opened and her smile was so bright that I instantly jumped into her arms. I would promise to keep her safe. I would promise to always be by her side. I would promise to do everything I could to see that radiant smile and sparkle in her eyes. I was so fortunate that she came down my corridor. So many more are out there who haven't walked the corridors. So many more to be saved. At least I could save one.

I rescued a human today.

As a Malaysian, for whoever as Malaysian too, I'm sure that you can see strays animals on the street, and you've already sick of it, felt like it's common this way for those strays!

NOOOOOO!!! You're wrong... Try to think again. What if it happens to you? Straying outside the street... No one cares, no constant meals that you're having in daily times and all sorts.

Please, control the strays, help them if you have the ability. You can simply adopt them or send them to the SPCA where near your home! I know good people is still OUT THERE! I'd love to hear from you by helping one of all the strays... Or more.

God bless!

Tuesday, December 15

A&F Opening Day in Tokyo, Japan

Dear A&F fans,

The first Abercrombie & Fitch in Asia opened on Tuesday, December 15th in the prestigious shopping district of Ginza, Tokyo. The 11-story store is the tallest building in the Ginza shopping district — it is sure to blow you away! Not only impressive in scale; it also has the world’s largest commissioned, hand-painted mural standing at over 55 meters tall, and over 820 square meters. Music pumps from 114 speakers and 83 sub woofers!! We have one entire floor devoted to denim, offering premium jeans that are available only at our exclusive Flagship locations.

There's another A&F Flagship opened in Tokyo, Japan today!!! This I believe is the first A&F in Asia. YAY!!! At least I can spend approximately 4 hours plus to get to the destination and get the bloody A&F! Again, sadly, I wasn't at Tokyo during the opening day which is certainly sad.... Hmph.... A&F always have those cool/sexy/cute looking male models around.... *Giggles* In fact, they're just too bloody HOT!!!!!

Until then crazy fans! Don't forget to stop by at the new A&F Flagship in Tokyo.

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