Wednesday, September 24

I'm back!!!

I know, I know... I know it's been a long time for me to come back to blogging since I came to UPEI!!! I have loads of story to tell all of you people! Hmph, where should I start from...? Anyways, school life is still as usual, pretty intense right now. I have to keep it up! Grrrrr..... Oh ya, say bye bye to Summer!!!! And now is FALL or Autumn, whatever you name it. Gosh, can you imagine? It's only the second day of Fall, and I had already feel like I'm in the middle of the winter time... Freezing! However, I went to grab my supper yesterday night at dining hall after squash club, and I met my freinds and so we chat while eating. Michelle, she's from Bahamas and she's a lovely, cute, sweet and hilarious attitude young woman, was sayin' that we'll most probably get at least TWO fucking (sorry) feet snow at the end of next month! C'mon people! Next month is only what? October? Exactly!!! Holy cow, when I heard what she'd said, I was like..... Faced drop most probably 10 feet under the ground!!! It's an absolutely not tolerable fact that could happen in my life!!! I'm so not preparing to wear any boots yet!!! I'm so not wanting to walk on the SNOW yet!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is just something from weather forecast, hopefully it does not really happen next month! Please God, I'm praying!!

Nevertheless, I love all my courses! All the professor are really good, although I have not yet uploaded any photos yet, but I promise, I will do it a.s.a.p. Talking about professor, Dr. Lawrence Hale is one of my favorite prof., he's mybiology instructor. The previous Monday, he showed us some of his pictures that where he went to have some biological explore at Point Pelee, Ontario, Canada. Gosh, here some pictures, even though they're not from me nor my professor but they're from internet, why? Because I want to show you people, that, Point Pelee, Ontario is really a great place to visit! I'm serious people, I'll definitely goin' to visit Point Pelee on the coming Summer before goin' back to Malaysia, hiak hiak!
Here's some pictures of Point Pelee, Ontario, Canada:

This is POINT PELEE!!! At the POINT part!!! Pretty huh?

Well, talking about school drives me insane! I love school, well, I mean it 50%-50%... Hahaha, however, My Monday, Wednesday and Friday make my leg muscles sore! I have to walk to my first class from my residence at 8.30am. Me, I am a definite "la-zer", I always woke up at 7.45am or 8am, it depend on how tired I am... Then, when I done bathing, it'll be approx. 8.15am or 8.20am. So, I'll start walking from my residence to my class... In 10 minutes to walk from my place to the class will take me aprroximately 7 minutes! Hell, it's like 1km walk! Well, to you people, 1km is short, for me, 1km is like damn long! Whenever I reach my class, I'll give my leg a huge stretch when I sit down. Gosh, at the mean time, I feel like paradise! The class last 50 minutes, and then, I have to walk to another far end in freaking 10 minutes!!! Oh lord... To think positively, I'll get my legs a nice solid muscle build for sure!!! To think negatively, I've chose the fucking wrong schedule for this semester!!! Aiks... I can't believe that was just slip out from my fingers... ><
Neh.... Talking about school make me sick! However people.... Try to go to Point Pelee sometimes! Hehe... XOXO!
Peace... ^^

Wednesday, September 10

UPEI's life 2...

Gosh... I'm so sorry people! I don't have internet in my room for like I-think-is-forever, that's the reason why I can't update my blog. However, continue with my story at UPEI. Well, the life here is pretty much the same! It's actually FUN though! Besides PEI has no good chinese, indian, japanese, korean restaurant, the rest is OK!! During the second day of my NSO (New Student Orientation), I've skipped the orientation right after the campus tour! Hahahaha... WHY? Because Laura and her brother came over to university to picked me up, then they brought me to tour around Charlottetown! And during the tour, I went to a shop called Del Sol, trust me people, it's a really WOW shop! I bought a shirt. The shirt is like just a normal prints plus it's without any colour on it. What's so special? The thing is, when this shirt hits sunlight, the colour of the print will POP OUT!!! I have no idea how it happens that way, but who cares? I love the shirt like insane! Well, i didn't mean it literally but figuratively! Hahahha!


Well, it looks not much different, but really people, when you see it, probably your face will drop! Muahahahha... and keep saying COOL COOL COOL!!! I want it! I want it!!!!

The next day, which was labour day that day, we went to New Brunswick, which is another province of Canada. To go to New Brunswick, driving distance is possible, it's like only 2 hours to arrive New Brunswick! The bridge that linked PEI and New Brunswick is LONG! One of the physics professor in UPEI was actually involved in building the Confederation bridge! Well, I'm not sure whether is build which meaning literally, or only draw the plan. Who cares by the way? Hahahha... The bridge is fantastic!!! I love it, but I feel extremely weak-legs when I saw the Confederation bridge from a side. The Confederation bridge seems absolutely unsafe to me! I feel that I can fall anytime on the bridge. (Just the look, people! Don't get me wrong!)

The PEI bridge that linked to NB!
Standing on the rocks, feel like falling anytime soon! -.-"

Under the Confederation Fridge.

At News Brunswick!

At the peak, going down the hill.....

On top of the mountain!!! (sorry for the block-view by the trees!)

The day-trip to New Brunswick was fun!! Seriously! I wish I can get my driving lisence here as soon as possible! So that I can get a car in P.E.I and drive it everywhere I want! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!


Monday, September 1

UPEI's life...

Sorry people, for not giving you guys an update!!! I was so busy for the past few days, 'cause I was moving in to a total new place and new environment! I am now in PEI which stands for Prince Edward Island. Guys! I know most of you don't even know about where is that, it's just an small island, east to Canada (that's the only information that I can tell now). Never mind! Just SPOT IT on your map!! RIGHT NOW! I MEAN IT!!! However, it's a pretty cool place though! The people here are fantastically sweet and friendly. I have no idea what's pop in your mind now, but yea, they're simply marvously people on earth!!! OH, OH, I am staying in Charlottetown, PEI. Haks! Just so remind you guys, PEI is still in CANADA. So, it is not an individual country which called PEI but it is in Canada. Ok, why I'm here? I am here to further my education, of course! University of Prince Edward Island is where I'm goin' to. Courses? Pre-Veterinary but major in Psychology. I am so not going to explain why psychology actually exist in my course which seems exactly unrelated to my pre-veterinary thing though! Just go on and check it out... WHY?! Haks! I'm staying in residence which is called Bernadine Hall or Bernie, sounds cute right? I know.. Hahaha, however, I love the room! It's huge (for me), even though I need to share with my roomate, but it's still big to me! The wardrobe, chair, memo board are huge! The bookshelf is huge too! Well, do I need to mention about the table? Hahha... It's definitely big and enough space for me! YAY!!! Cheers for that! OH yea, I have a really big space for my lovely shoes too! YAY!!! At least I don't have to cramp everything up in a tiny spaces...

My table, chair, bed, memo board and bookshelf! (it's a little bit messy on my table, sorry....)

What's on my table (well, actually it is a book rack? I don't know..)! Aren't they cute? Just say YES!

Say HI to my babeh!!! Hiak!

UPEI (abbreviation for the university's name) is a really cool place, I just had my first day orientation going on today. Well, we called it NSO which actually stands for New Student Orientation. The orientation went crazy today! I need to picked up my NSO package early in the morning, and head back to change to the NSO tee and I am in group ORANGE (which is definitely so not my colour!). Anyways, we all need to have our own group set up a cheer. Here goes our ORANGE group cheer:

What's the rhyme for orange? (everyone else yell) NOTHING!
Who's going to beat us? (everyone else yell) NO ONE!!
(everyone) Orange orange,
We're not gotta rhyme,
We are going to beat you and have a great time!
Red! -Dead!
Pink! -Stink!
Yellow! -It's too mellow!!!
Brown! -Is going down!
White! -Is too bright!
Green! -It's not a team!
Teal! -make us squeal!
Purple! -PHERIKZZZZZZZ!(it's sort of a "buu" sound)
Orange orange is the best!
Because all your leader got "us" on their chest!
Nah..... Nah..... Nah nah nah nah.... Nah nah nah... O...Range! actually is the Hey Jude Song)

That's how my group orange's cheers! It's kind of LONG, yeah, I know... This is the way how it is. Hahahhaha... Please bear with us when you see me yelling like a maniac on the street side with different colours. Anyways, the whole NSO went well at the first day and night. WAIT!!! I almost forgot about some other thing else. Muahahhahaa... I have no idea what it will pop out in your head by just reading my blog, but seriously, this is hilarious! Err, here goes... The last NSO program was PLAY FAIR, it's about playing with everyone in the hall. PS: Everyone, no matter where they're come from or who they are. It was FUN!!! We all laughed a lot, dance a lot, jump a lot, giving each other standing ovation a lot, etc! However, the PLAY FAIR should be started at 8.30pm, but it was actually delayed for like 15 minutes. The more people coming in the Chi-Wan-Young Sport Centre (my uni sport centre's building) and the more air I'm losing, I need fresh air people!!!! At the same time, I am not a sharp eye person at night, I coutheyldn't see well at night, so, I went to open a emergency door. Who knows, the alarm went off!!! The whole bunch of people over there were shocked by the alarm, and that's why they were silent for like 5 sec? Later on, they all started to cheers and claps!!! Holy cow! I was like, 'Please people!! Kill me now!!!' Oh mi god! I swear, I'll never get near to any other non-main-door anymore!!!

No matter what, the NSO is fun Fun FUN!!!!!!

My ORANGE bandana! Haks!!! I love the pattern..

The NSO package's stuffs!!! It's a lot eh? When I first saw the condom, I was like.. OK... It's cool!

To be continue...

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