Wednesday, September 10

UPEI's life 2...

Gosh... I'm so sorry people! I don't have internet in my room for like I-think-is-forever, that's the reason why I can't update my blog. However, continue with my story at UPEI. Well, the life here is pretty much the same! It's actually FUN though! Besides PEI has no good chinese, indian, japanese, korean restaurant, the rest is OK!! During the second day of my NSO (New Student Orientation), I've skipped the orientation right after the campus tour! Hahahaha... WHY? Because Laura and her brother came over to university to picked me up, then they brought me to tour around Charlottetown! And during the tour, I went to a shop called Del Sol, trust me people, it's a really WOW shop! I bought a shirt. The shirt is like just a normal prints plus it's without any colour on it. What's so special? The thing is, when this shirt hits sunlight, the colour of the print will POP OUT!!! I have no idea how it happens that way, but who cares? I love the shirt like insane! Well, i didn't mean it literally but figuratively! Hahahha!


Well, it looks not much different, but really people, when you see it, probably your face will drop! Muahahahha... and keep saying COOL COOL COOL!!! I want it! I want it!!!!

The next day, which was labour day that day, we went to New Brunswick, which is another province of Canada. To go to New Brunswick, driving distance is possible, it's like only 2 hours to arrive New Brunswick! The bridge that linked PEI and New Brunswick is LONG! One of the physics professor in UPEI was actually involved in building the Confederation bridge! Well, I'm not sure whether is build which meaning literally, or only draw the plan. Who cares by the way? Hahahha... The bridge is fantastic!!! I love it, but I feel extremely weak-legs when I saw the Confederation bridge from a side. The Confederation bridge seems absolutely unsafe to me! I feel that I can fall anytime on the bridge. (Just the look, people! Don't get me wrong!)

The PEI bridge that linked to NB!
Standing on the rocks, feel like falling anytime soon! -.-"

Under the Confederation Fridge.

At News Brunswick!

At the peak, going down the hill.....

On top of the mountain!!! (sorry for the block-view by the trees!)

The day-trip to New Brunswick was fun!! Seriously! I wish I can get my driving lisence here as soon as possible! So that I can get a car in P.E.I and drive it everywhere I want! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!


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