Tuesday, November 18

Hockey Game!

Hockey hockey hockey!!! I never really watch a live hockey game before...

Shana: Mindee, do you want to go to watch hockey game tonight? UPEI Panther versus Montreal.

MinDee: Ok ok... What time?

Shana: 7pm. I'll meet you in the lobby, alrite?

MinDee: 7pm It is!

The Ice Hockey game is held at my school Arena B
uilding which having a pool area and two ice skating areas.

For the record, guys in ice hockey team are hot and sexy... The way they skate on the ice, chase the puck, defeat their opponent... Wow! Especially the goalie, how they can block the tiny puck from entering the goal. Geez! Talented, cool, and HOT simultaneously! Wondering why the ice never melt since they are that HOT... (Errrrrrrr................ -.-)

Panther's logo! (UPEI)
During the gameReferee is cute too! Haks!

In this game, Panther (House) lose to Montreal (Guest), 2 to 3 which pissed us off ><>aha! Zamboni!!!!!

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