Friday, December 31

Bye bye 2010

Time to bid adieu 2010, and 2011 is just few hours ago..... HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! Wish y'all have a joyous and great year of 2011. 

Year 2010, you're wonderful! ;)

Until next time, xxoo.

Thursday, December 30


 ... the coming baby girl.

Arrrrr, two more days to bid adieu 2010 and welcome 2011. Wuuuhuuuuuuu, am so so so looking forward to it because it doesn't mean just A NEW YEAR to me, but it also a year that I can see a new face from my family-my sister's baby XD. I'm going to be an aunt of the baby girl. Hence I have to be someone that she can be proud of!!!!!

Am imagining that she is telling her friends off that she has an aunt that .................. Will fill in the blank in the coming next 10 years. XD

Seriously people, I cannot wait! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Until next time, xxoo.

PS: Only two days time to 2011, have you completed your new year resolution???? I know I haven't... FML

Monday, December 27

Spotted the writing on clear sky

Due to Melbourne's odd weather back in these few weeks time, it can be so cold and hot, rainy and sunny in just one day. We called it four seasons in a day. WTH??? So, the pilot who wished to write MERRY CHRISTMAS on the sky has had failed to do so on 25th December due to bad weather. 

Boxing day last night was.................... To others, it might be a very great day. Well, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean I don't  get to have fun during the one of the year event though, I just cracked due to my current financial problems. OMG! I am blardy BROKE.... OK, please don't mention it.... :(

And today, the sky has finally clear and bright. So... I spotted this unfinished sentence says "MERRY". The wind is kinda strong although the weather is good, so... the M and E were started to go blur. 

Am here wishing y'all

Until next time, xxoo

Saturday, December 25

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas once again has arrived.... I'm here wishing every reader a great years ahead and have a fun-warm-awesome Christmas!!!!!! To whom that spend Christmas during winter season---- Do not get cold, please stay warm.

To whom that are spending their Christmas during SUMMER like me, please stay cool and nice with family. Wheeeeee.... HO HO HO... Merry Merry MERRY Christmas again!!!!

Love y'all. The cookie is purposefully made for y'all. :D

Until next time, xxoo.

Sunday, December 19

a walk to remember

Had the worst moment ever... Wondering over wonders again and again... Sometimes it is really easy for a kid who can just cry and laugh it all off, just like that. But the more we grew up, the more we took in and we tend to forget how to erase them. Argh, How I wish I could go back to two years earlier and re-do most of the things.

If you're facing any problems, I hope you don't halt and run off. You can do it.. Everyone can do it! 'Cause we're the strongest, we're the fastest and the champion SPERM.... ;P

Until next time, xxoo

Thursday, December 2

Best blessings and thank-you

A snapshot of one moment of what you're doing. Instantly, after the snapshot, it became past tense. What you was doing. From that snapshot click away, you couldn't fix what was wrong in one second or minute or hour that just past. 

So, I am here now sincerely thankful for how far I've come to. Thank you for I am still able to breathe, achieving what I wanted to, having love and care from family and friends, am standing on huge grass ground with my tummy FULL OF THANK-YOU-NESS. I am blessed!!! And this is last month of year 2010, I have to be thankful to everyone that came to my life, or walk away or those who just passersby. They were those I believe, who led me grow. I'm here saying MANY THANKS to all of you. :)

I have now sit and think, what I should do next for 2011 resolution that could help others to come back on track if they're lost in life or some other matters.There will be as usual, expected and unexpected things that come. So look forward for it. :)

I hope y'all are now starting to plan ahead your year 2011. It's really close now. ;)

Until next time, xxoo.

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