Tuesday, August 2

Quick Flashback of myself through years (part I)

While clearing and sorting out my older files in my external hard disk, I found all the photos back in those days when I was still a "STUPID" kid! Why am I saying stupid because........... I was one of those naive-minded person *literally*  I used to thought the world wouldn't be a hardcore task if we "HAVE FUN" and "PLAY" with it... I was so wrong (apparently, there are much more reasons) LOL Anyway, Its all started from year 2007. And now I've looked back and recalling many memories, I now announce I'm a total different MinDee already! I've grown, I've learnt and I've much more matured! ;)

Year 2007........
High School Graduation.... A science class graduate who achieved more laughter than good results! But I had many many good friends which I am truly happy about! Clearly, I have to organized one reunion on 2012! :)

Year 2007......
Very first time leaving home for Canada to further my education... To fulfilled my dream... And by this year, I realized how much I love to have my parents around me, bug me on all my doings and how much I've learnt that we have to "appreciate every moment" when you can have them! So, by year 2007, it was my first time being an International Student in Foreign country. Its my another big steps toward INDEPENDENT!!! I was not afraid as I recalled! ;)

very first time departed all my myself from Malaysia on a flight which took 24 hours to destination.
very first time being in a foreign country, with new friends, faces, and cultures!
 very first time encountered with snow and very first time building a man-size snow man! ;)

 Year 2008........
When I had come to finished my Pre-University course and stepped out my another BIG steps toward "EVEN-REALITY" life.... I had come to university application! Yet, come to bid adieu with some closed friends too because by then we were all going to different universities, different paths.

 very first time with so many international juniors and bid adieu with them for another side of the country.

very first time being an UNIVERSITY International student!!! First time being in New Brunswick, Canada.
very first time attended University's orientation week and met my very first Ecuador friend- Rafael! He's a nice person! ;)
OK... This is a lil' bit random. This is a very first rabbit that I've laid my eyes on in a pet shop in Toronto, Canada. Wanted to buy it as my companion but due to some stupid restriction rules at Uni, so this plan had failed! :(
Very first Egyptian friend I've made and they are as awesome as I am! LOL. ;)
Year 2010.......
When I've made another decision to leave...............................................

To be continued...

Until next time, xxoo.

Wednesday, May 25

another blogspot, please support!

 NEW BLOG: Cards that make you smile (click)

Sorry peeps for 'dusting' my living-thing blogspot for these long!!! I've been busy with uni and work. *GRRRRRRR* Am finally realizing the true meaning of stress.

Sorry again because once I blog today is nothing interesting nor funny but its about my another blogspot- Cards That Make You Smile. Oh well, it is very interesting I shall say! The blog contains all my own designs of greeting cards. If y'all interested with any cards from the blog, please do not hesitate to E-mail me or 'KNOCK' (comment) on the Cards That Make You Smile blogspot. I will definitely get back to you A.S.A.P.

I am actually opening a shop online soon too by Etsy (click). My shop name on Etsy would be 'Cards that make U smile'. :) It'll be announce once I have done with the online shop.

I hope you people would support me in all ways! Your kindness is much appreciated! Leave me a helpful comments is an awesome idea for me to get further improvement on both of my blogspots and also the opening-soon shop online. :)

Until next time, xxoo.

Sunday, March 20

giant paper clips

was thrilled to get all these giant paper clips!!! Wonder if I could find one that is BIGGER than this! ;)

Until next time, xxoo.

Friday, March 18

best steamed egg...

that I've ever had!!!! *huge beam*

Thank you Kim a.k.a my dearest housemate for making me such nice and yummiest steamed eggs! I HEART it max!!!!

You're the best and I'd like you to make me more steamed eggs in the future? *stick out tongue playfully*

Until next time, xxoo.

Tuesday, March 15


When there's myself alone during night time and absolutely nothing else I can do... This is what normally I'd come out with! Some tiny notes that I could stick everywhere I wanted to and let others find it randomly and colors!!! I LOVE COLORS! They made me happy! *huge beam*

Until next time, xxoo.

Wednesday, March 9

I Love You

The most creative, sweetest, cutest and wonderful piece of paper that I've ever received. Thanks to my babe O.Y.W.

PS: I LOVE YOU too! *beaming*

Until next time, xxoo.

Monday, February 28

greatest & cutest

 Adorable new born, new face in my family. My niece!!!!!!!

I'll come back for you Ern, I love you for life!!!!! *beam real reallllll hard*

Until next time, xxoo.

PS: EE EE loves you always!

Monday, February 7

bon anniversaire

Eeeeekssss.... Another year has come... Time to face the fact that I am now a year older, again....

Bonne Anniversaire.

Until next time, xxoo.

Thursday, February 3

Happy CNY 2011

A year that all of us reunion under a same roof and celebrate this tradition Chinese New Year together! 

'Kek Lok Si' Temple, Penang.

I haven't been celebrating CNY for years ever since I left home for Canada to further my education. This year, I'm back and I have to freaking celebrate the LUNGS out of this awesome occasion!!! 

 Straight Quay's CNY decoration

 'Ang Pao' (red packets) from my parents! :)

 Someone are missing-sister, bro-in-law and my niece! (Due to some reasons) 

Until next time, xxoo.

PS: Wish y'all having a great awesome Chinese New Year celebration with families and friends! Spreading the loves to y'all! *huge beam*

Tuesday, January 25

everyone can fly..... Again...

Its time!!!!! FINALLY this is it- the time to go HOME again! *jumped excitedly*

After one freaking year away from home and things have had changed slightly now. The good and the bad, the old and the new were seemingly TWISTED up in my life which I'm pretty sure this I called it LIFE. 

However, when I arrive at Malaysia tomorrow the 26th Jan, I'll be spending worthwhile moments with my loved ones whom need not to be mentioned. *beaming*

Happy Holidays to all the Aussie students! Will be continue the part II adventures with y'all after my peaceful, fun, excited, adventurous, loves, etc holidays!

Until next time, xxoo.

PS: Ah Dee ee ee is superb excited to meet you- baby Ern. <3

Saturday, January 1

New Year Resolutions

So fast, 2010 had past and it is 2011 now. Again, resolution has had made and its time to let go of the past and move on.

In my previous year, there were so many people who had helped me before, who were just passserby but still, they helped me grew from something. I am here sincerely thank you so much to whomever that had helped me or whoever don't. :)

I've made so many useless/stupid resolutions for so many years and seriously, I have not done one yet (well, I'm not sure of that). This year's resolution is rather short, it seems like an easy task but actually it isn't. My resolution this year is to help people out, people who are lost in any matters. I'd like to help them out from where they're lost and trace back the path they should have moving on. I'd like to help people who go through pains, whatever pains. This is what I am going to do on year 2011. I hope my little help can make others feel better and more! :)

On the other hands, I'd like to help many many many innocent animals as well. (But seriously, I don't like to see as many strays as I could on year 2011... It doesn't mean any good AT ALL!!!!)

So, new year 2011, I'M READY to be a little helper!!!!! :)


Until next time, xxoo.

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