Saturday, January 1

New Year Resolutions

So fast, 2010 had past and it is 2011 now. Again, resolution has had made and its time to let go of the past and move on.

In my previous year, there were so many people who had helped me before, who were just passserby but still, they helped me grew from something. I am here sincerely thank you so much to whomever that had helped me or whoever don't. :)

I've made so many useless/stupid resolutions for so many years and seriously, I have not done one yet (well, I'm not sure of that). This year's resolution is rather short, it seems like an easy task but actually it isn't. My resolution this year is to help people out, people who are lost in any matters. I'd like to help them out from where they're lost and trace back the path they should have moving on. I'd like to help people who go through pains, whatever pains. This is what I am going to do on year 2011. I hope my little help can make others feel better and more! :)

On the other hands, I'd like to help many many many innocent animals as well. (But seriously, I don't like to see as many strays as I could on year 2011... It doesn't mean any good AT ALL!!!!)

So, new year 2011, I'M READY to be a little helper!!!!! :)


Until next time, xxoo.

2 wrote a note:

Min Shen said...

Wah very enormous resolution lor...helping people...and those in lost??? Whoa talk like a pastor!!

m i n d e e said...

teehee..... X)

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