Sunday, November 30

Random Thoughts

- Does darkness have a name?

- The cruelty, the hatred.

- How did it find u?

- Did it intrude into our lives, or did we seek it out and embrace it?

- What happen to us?

Saturday, November 22

Blueberries lover!

Blueberries.... are my favorite!!!

Blueberries are amazingly sweet and nice, and I found the taste of blueberries is actually quite unique. My favorite muffin in McDonald Blueberry muffin. Well, actually is insanely in love with all the blueberry muffins. (I believe some of my friends know 'bout it!) Today, you can find blueberry jams, pies, snack foods, jellies and also cereals in the food market. Look at the picture I took of the blueberries, they're like covering in a layer of powder. As the matter of fact, that's pesticide, I guess.

There are a few places are the blueberries significant production where occurs in British Columbia, Quebec, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, Washington, etc. Quebec produces the most quantity of blueberries (It's time to go to Quebec to check the farm out! Wheeeee). Errrr, I should be ashamed of myself since I've been in Prince Edward Island for about 5 months now, but I didn't know that Prince Edward Island has blueberries farm besides potatoes. >< Atlantic Canada contributes approximately half of the total North American annual production of 68 million kg of wild blueberries. (That's a lot man!!!)

The blueberries have varied range of micronutrients, with remarkbly high level of the essential dietary mineral manganese, vitamin B, C and K and dietary fiber. Wild blueberries contain a lot of er... Anthocyanins, antioxidant pigments and various phytociehemicals that have huge important role in reduce the risks of some what-not diseases, cancers for example.

The bottom line is.... Eat more blueberries, even though they are small, but you can grab a handful of blueberries and stuck them into your mouth! Anyway... Just eat BLUEBERRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 18

Hockey Game!

Hockey hockey hockey!!! I never really watch a live hockey game before...

Shana: Mindee, do you want to go to watch hockey game tonight? UPEI Panther versus Montreal.

MinDee: Ok ok... What time?

Shana: 7pm. I'll meet you in the lobby, alrite?

MinDee: 7pm It is!

The Ice Hockey game is held at my school Arena B
uilding which having a pool area and two ice skating areas.

For the record, guys in ice hockey team are hot and sexy... The way they skate on the ice, chase the puck, defeat their opponent... Wow! Especially the goalie, how they can block the tiny puck from entering the goal. Geez! Talented, cool, and HOT simultaneously! Wondering why the ice never melt since they are that HOT... (Errrrrrrr................ -.-)

Panther's logo! (UPEI)
During the gameReferee is cute too! Haks!

In this game, Panther (House) lose to Montreal (Guest), 2 to 3 which pissed us off ><>aha! Zamboni!!!!!

Monday, November 3

Trolley gurl


Shopping does help woman to cure their inexorably urge of boredom, sadness, or even to boost their self-esteem! Effortless spending money in every boutique stores seem to be happening virtually to every girl, young woman and woman today. Why shopping??? Guys are then waiting like crazy bull which saw red cloth that is moving in front of them, for their girlfriend, "MOM" or even "GRANDMA" who enjoying shopping! THEN, guys have to carry all the bags for their whoever! What a pity! But seeing those woman can buy variety of stuff, it does make me feel extremely envy though! WHY they are so freakin' rich????
Women need a lot of clothes, dresses and cosmetics stuff to lighten up their day... They even wake up early in the morning to make themselves up! WHY?????? Ok, ok, I know fashion does important to everyone... But why must they dress up every single day to every lectures in university? Sleep is the only thing I want in uni. life. I rather pick sleep than spending time to plan what to put on me. HAR??? They even make up and dress up to Lab session! WHAT?!?!?!??!?!?! That is plain desperate, can??? ISH~

Anyway, I need to shopping too... HAHHAHA... But I need only junk food! ^^ For the record, *ONLY in Prince Edward Island. *cough* Due to the transportation inconveniences in this area, I will only buy junks that I need to stock up, other than that... It's all depends! I don't carry shopping bags, as the matter of fact, I'm just a trolley girl instead of a handful-shopping-bags-girl.... =( But I looked kinda happy here...

Proudly 'cause I steal the trolley from Superstore. I ain't walkin' back with bags, that will make me look even more desperate, puh-lease!


I got my new squash racket from Spotcheck. ^^ For the record, it is a lot more better than the racket I got last time. Wheeeeeeeeeeee!

Here's my baby!

Shopping is fun... If I won the lottery, I will shop the whole Eaton Center in Toronto for true! =)

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