Sunday, February 8

My 20th Birthday!

Happy 20th Birthday to MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Time does really go by fast, is it because of personal perception or is it really the time goes faster while you growing older? In the nutshell, I've turned 20th years old now. The memories of sitting in high school class slapping through people's back seemed to be in past year, but as the matter of fact, it had gone by nearly 3 years now.

Recalling my 17th years old birthday was..... Celebrating in a
3-stars hotel in Kota Bharu with friends. 18th years old birthday was..... Celebrating with my ex-boyfriend in Kuala Lumpur, both of us were playing Arcade in Mid-valley. 19th years old birthday was.... Celebrating with a bunch of high school friends in Hamilton. That day, February 7th, 2008 was dropped exactly on the first day of Chinese New Year. So, it was fun, really!

AND my 20th years old birthday .......


I have to thanks to all my friends> Lucy, Min, Neil, Luke, and Tony. Lucy has had cooked me a sumptuous birthday-meal, Korean traditional meal-Bibimbap! Min helped a lot! Muahahha, Min and Lucy fight a lot while cooking, I have no idea what did they say (in Korean), but how they acted were hilarious. A sudden "YORRRRRRRRRRRRRR, (then kick)" while half-way chopping something! Then we all were like.... HUH???

I've always wanted to bake chocolate chip cookies, today is my birthday, I've promised myself to make some... SO, i did! HAHAHHA.. this is HOW I prepare for the cookies.... Honestly, I didn't know how to mix all the dough by using all-purpose flour, eggs and those materials. Instead, I bought a pack of well-mixed dough and simply make them into circle shape, and WALA!!! Easy peasy! While I have done making those cookie dough, Min and Lucy were almost done cooking Bibimbap, and really, my stomach has had drumming non-stop by the smell........ ARGH!!!!!!


Finish eating.... Taking pictures.... The badge on my tee was saying "Kiss me!! It's my Birthday!" which Tony gave me! ><>
Lucy, Me, Neil and Min.
This is my birthday cake! HAHAHHA
The first batch of cookies.... gees.... Reason why it becomes like that is..... I have no idea how to use the microwave at Luke's house. Neil and I were trying to fix it, when it started to function, we thought it was ok to set the amount of time we want, but end up... it was actually longer than what we had expected! SO.....
Second batch, they looked fine... but in the actually, they were dry and hard to bite/chew~! SHIT!!!!

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