Monday, June 15

life of a stray

THE PUPPY!!! I went out to look for it again today at noon time. Was no luck at all... I couldn't find it nor see it around. When my mother came back, I've asked her to drove me around-slowly, to look for it. Again, was no luck either.

I went back home, thinking, maybe the puppy has already ran off. Or maybe the puppy has already gotten adopted? Keep thinking... Keep bothering my mother that, she should have let me keep it by the first time when we saw the puppy got shoo-ed away.

Evening time, as usual, I took my Ben out for a walk and hopefully I can find the puppy. NO LUCK! I was kind of going to give up finding it... But then I met a Dalmation owner- my neighbour, he told me that, "Oh, the puppy has gotten beat up today, around noon time, a malay guy used a huge wood stick to beat it... Probably its because the puppy was chasing around which probably scare off MALAYS?" I was like nerve-wrecking... "OMG, so where is the puppy now? Have you seen it after? Did the puppy still alive???" And from him, the puppy is still alive.

I took my Ben home... And I went out again after a few hours. Keep looking! I cannot imagine nor let a puppy like that to stray around no more... It's pity!!! Nearly midnite, I head back... And almost home, I tilted back my head and look around....

There was.... A shadow run off quickly into a bush... So I went back again to make sure it is the puppy or not.... It is at night time, I couldn't really tell... So....

YESH!!! There it is!!! The puppy has returned to where I saw it the first time!!! I was then squated down and "ck ck ck" and hoping the puppy come to me... And indeed, the puppy is not afraid at all... it came to me, slowly... Sniffed my hand a little.. Then sniffed again my leg... And I've talked to it (like it can understands me... *giggles*) and carry it back with me.

Making me sad was that, I saw tears in its eyes.... Telling me that it is in pain.

At home, I checked carefully all over the puppy's body to make sure that there's no bone cracks nor bleed. There was a slit- bleeding under the puppy's chin. I'm sure that it was probably from the beaten up by the fucking ass malay! (From what my neighbor knows, the malay was fucking police who lived in the same housing area.) What and why on earth did malays afraid of dogs? AND why police did stuff like that? (NOT ALL, no offense!!) Anyway, I stopped the bleeding and have applied some medicine on the puppy. AND I found that the puppy is a SHE!!! HOW CUTE! She was very tired looking and intimidate anyhow. She hadn't feed in any proper food for at least a week! She drank DROPS from leaves or rain water that was clog on the road side. IMAGINE THAT PEOPLE!!! It's pitiful!!! Please, if you see any strays, please help them if you could! Thanks so much for that!

I was then leave her to rest... It was late at night when I got everything done. I keep it at the balcany outside my room which there is pretty much a great place for her to run around since it roofted and all sorts. I get her a bed and food and water... I keep an eye on her from my window inside the room. That was then....

I was wondering before I gone to bed, was she ran off from her owner? Or she is a total stray? Because what I found was that on her neck, there's a metal which curled into a ring shape hanging.

HMPH, anyway... She is safe now, THAT FOR SURE!!! =)

How she look when I adopted her today.... Sigh.... If people can treated her better, she wouldn't have got situation like that.... =(

She was shivering..... Not by coldness at night nor tiredness... IT WAS ALL CAUSED BY IDIOTS whoever led her life likes this! FUCKIN GO TO HELL!!!

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