Friday, July 24


Would probably be in three days or more to finish revampin'.... And that's my instinct - delayin' works!

Believing that many people will be adore when they FLIP through or PICK up some "home decor" magazines and goes like "OOOOH, I hope I can have this! OH OOOOH, and this!!!" People get sick with their room all the time, because,ROOM is the one thing that you'll be staying and see almost all the times. And ROOM is one thing that you cannot always really change... Is that? But for me, I thought only if the 'ka-chiiiiiiiiiiiiing' is more than enough!!

ROOM= your own pig-pen. Cleanliness is all depends on each individual. Some people like their room with dark, messy-way-which-you-couldn't-even-step-on-the-proper-floor-type. Obviously, some people like their room with bright, scented and clean. Anyhow, this is all non-of-my-business. I have no idea why I'd brought this up, but they were just hit my mind - just right now. Mine are.... From the inside, I always looking for clean, tidy, scented (only with Davidoff Echo's scent) and bright. Well, from the outside, I am so lazy on physically movement of cleanin' my ROOM, it ends up to a total disgusting beast!!!

When I said it was a total disgusting beast, I mean it. Whose guitar sits with printer and Double A papers? Well, well... This is just so wrong... Besides, guessing one day the guitar would be tripped over by all those wires which apparently are connecting to Harry-Penxs' sooner or later. Why am I locating the printer on the floor? Simply, it is because.......... Keep looking down.

Because... The table has no more room to put the printer. Those colourful threads are the teeth-floss that I used to using them. (If you're the only one who believes it!) Clearly, I am doing some cross-stitch-thingy to kill times!!! To be more specific, to kill boredom. Picturing on how I was doing things everyday, laptop's on, phones at the side, rubik's cube is my best company and, I'll be poking through tiny holes and pull and then poke again, and pull throught the cross-stitching-whatever-that-is-thing. (Ahem, what's in your mind dude?) OK, seemingly, this tiny part is beastly enough, doesn't it?

Another part of the beast-like in the ROOM. Books, letters, cds, cutter, etc.... Are all parked on the table, that, again caused the printer has to be on the floor. Help me!!! I really need to reveal some maid's hardworking physical-activity by cleanin' up sometimes-SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!
Still need any explanation on this? Naa-aaaah, I don't think so!!!

ROOM revamp is completely on my mind now. But first, what should I need??? Hmph, changing colours is certainly the idea of the whole thing - I guess. I bet I've already bored with the colours... In fact, the pink faded since I was first moved into the house. The pink now has already turned fair and it's now seemingly like WHITE or BONE - which I am not really enjoying it... It's depressing by staring at it, sometimes. REALLY!!! Colours is...... ARGH!! Another problem has occured... Choosing colour is like choosing a great underwear to match with the great outfits!!! Brain cells will be dead by half, I swear!


1. Red

2. Purple
3. Re-paint the pink
4. Orange
5. Yellow
6. Any colours with white
7. God knows!
8. Goin' insane!!
9. Brain cells have die off...
10. Total retard now!!

Will absolutely inform and post up after I've changed the new look of the ROOM... And PS: I did go nuts while looking at some nice room-decorations of all these!!! "OH MA X GOD, these are what I'm going for!!!!! " --Tiny Devil has persuaded me.. ;p

Any suggestion people??? I know, I know... My ROOM now has nothing that can be comparin' to all these! But, that's what the revamping are for~ Stay tune, it might surprises you!!! =D

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