Friday, April 16

my first working experience gonna be....


I've never been working, believe it or not, I am 21 right now, and I haven't have any working experience before! It's a shame! Yes, I know that! I KNEW THAT!!!

I am just gladful that one of my friend could get me this job which will be start tomorrow afternoon- as a caterer in a van in MCG, Melbourne Stadium.

Guess what, people? I am nervous, I am bloody nervous... According to what my friend describe about the work and the area, sounds pretty easy and seemingly nothing to worry about.... Nah... Things aren't going to be that smooth on my first day, I reckoned! Crap... I can feel my heart thumping so hard right now just by thinking about what would be happening tomorrow at the work area! Hmph..... 

I am worrying about:
1. My math... Nervous + Calculations are just going to burst my mind.... No correct calculations would be done well.... Oh, holy..... 

2. Will I meet nice customers or bad one? What if they starting to yell at me and I get the tendency to raise my temper? What should I do if they starting to swear at me... Be a good server, I should be hold back and be nice, yea? What if I couldn't make it and swear the hell out of the customer instead? Hmph.... Guessing this will only be figuring out tomorrow at work .... 

3. Is the manager gonna likes me for my first day impression? I am so going to do well and prove to the manager that I could SERVE well! *giggles*

Well, I hope I could try my very best on the first day! *God bless me, puh-lease*

Until then, xxoo

PS: Wish me luck people! *hehehe*

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