Tuesday, June 29

Tim Burton, The Exhibition

Oh WOW! This is the best exhibition and yes, you guys have to go! It is really worth it and there's a lot of things you can get to know TIM BURTON(click)!!!! Things included his projects when he was young, some of his primary school's projects were exhibited, film that he directed, short stories that he directed or produced, and a lot of his drawings were all exhibited.

His exhibition is now at Melbourne, ACMI (am not knowing where it would be after this). 

 This is one of my favorite. It stated "TEENAGER, AN AWKWARD PERIOD OF LIFE"

And this is hilarious (trust me, there are a lot more in the exhibition)!! This one stated "NEVER SHOOT A CONSTIPATED POODLE". Geez, how could he drew something like that? For the record, this image has never once crossed my head! *LOL*

Well, well, well.... Just so you know guys, y'all have to go to his exhibition! It is really worth every single dime that you spend on the ticket.

Hope you guys enjoy the exhibition.

Until then, xxoo.

Sunday, June 27

Time we spend-being a total randomnism

We spent them "WISE" enough... Well, I am not saying that all this are for everyone but, most of us might spend the same amount of times on unnecessarily stuffs like:

Oh well, I am being a jerk on doing that drawing and listing... *LOL* Believe me, I've spent an extra half an hour on doing this UNNECESSARY stuff.

Until then, xxoo.

Saturday, June 26

Holidays, Day 3

Eeeks, third day of my holiday and I have not yet really come out with my puurrrrrfect holidays plan yet.

I know there are some interesting exhibition that I have to go for my own sake! There are Tim Burton Exhibition, Titanic: The Artefact Exhibition, Mary Poppins Musical, Mama Mia Musical and The Amazing Bodies Exhibition that I have already planned to go. That was it... Not yet including any others. Which I believe, will come up very soon.

Went shopping today since Melbourne now is having HUGE SALES at all the stores and I don't see why I shouldn't get myself out there to SHOP!!!!! Well, I did and I got pretty much all the stuff I had in mind and with all great deals... 5 bucks for one COTTON ON cardigan, and I got three of them in different colors. 5 bucks gone for one can-be-both-shawl-or-scarf in white. There's only 20 bucks! Woooohoooo! *huge smile* and I've got a red over coat which is really goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood and cccuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute and also.... From 60bucks to $19.95 (yes, I am being precised) WHO DOESN'T WANT TO GET THEM????? You tell me! And I got one ALWAYS WANTED ALADIN's pants in black for only $9.95! Gosh........... 50 bucks with all great things! Aren't this is a BONUS? Besides, another 50bucks gone for a BOOTS!!!! GOOD BOOTS I reckoned. WARM and NON-LEATHER. STYLISH and COMFY !!!WOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Yesh, people, I am literally WOOHOO-ING RIGHT NOW! *ROFL*

Ah well, Had a great time today and I guess... Tomorrow is PART TWO!

PS: Am still finger crossing hoping Melbourne ZOO have a volunteer job available for me.... Puh-lease! 

Until then, xxoo.

Friday, June 25

A&F goes Summer now

Dear Abercrombie and Fitch fans,

Here you go.... The summer hottest's shorts are now available in store! *Cheers*

Yay, I know it's the best thing on earth that you ladies, can go shopping and picking up great stuff from A&F store again! GO GO.... 

Happy shopping and hope you guys found good stuffs! 

Until then, xxoo.

Thursday, June 24

Greatest HengDaizZz

Blissful to get to know you! *HUGE SMILE*

Hey HengdaizZz, I am pretty sure you would never ever expected your PHOTO on my blog, yea? *ROFL* I am now finally got some times to blog about you-which I wanted to do for long time now.... Hehehe... 

PS: I didn't want to write out what we have been through together. But I want to thank you, thank you for being there for me all the times.... *smile* No matter when I am sad or happy... You are always there! You are the greatest HENGDAIZZZ to me! *giggles*

I MISS YOU and your WIFEY!!!!! 
(we have to meet again! *giggles*)

PPS: Stay happy HANGDAIZZZ, with everything! Especially with P.S. *big smile* 

Stay in touch Hengdaizzz... 

Until then, xxoo.

Wednesday, June 23

dreadful exam is...OVER

Again, sorry, sorry and sorry for not uploading any blog for so long. I was absolutely preoccupied with my time on doing revision and as well watching 90210 drama series which I've fall for recently (Right before the exams period) Imagine myself was studying and then when comes to a break, I will quickly rushed to the kitchen and get myself a bowl of cereal and quickly rushed back to my room and PLAY 90210!!! Yes, it is so addictive and oh well, who doesn't love DRAMA? It kept me well entertained throughout the dreadfully moment. *big smile on my face*

And VOILA, here I am right now... Finished my exams *sweat* and I am now more then anything to be able to update my blog each day and I am now as well as writing myself a list of TO-DO-LIST.
Then.... I have to plan the rest of my entire holidays schedule PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRFECTLY! *brighter smile on my face*

Hmph.... Lemme see... What is the best thing to do when you are kinda alone and during the windy winter time? I would say... Hitting any cafe that serve nice and thick hot cocoa is a blardy brilliant idea! What's besides that? Grrrrr...... Shopping is the last thing I want to think about... Oh well, I've sent email to the Melbourne Zoo and see they have any spot left for me to do volunteer work over there with the ANIMALS or as well as the ZOO KEEPERS or the VETS! What I want is to learn more thing about taking care of animals and knowing their behaviour better!!!!! If I got the spot.... WHEEEEEE... I would be happier that if I won a LOTTO *Ahem* (I don't really think that is what I really am THINKING.. *LOL*).

Next thing I would do is go online search for DOG-WALKER hiring. I want to be a dog-walker!!! I don't have space and time to have a pet dog, but I wouldn't mind that if someone want me to walk their dogs, and that'd be lovely!!! I can not only spend time doing things I like while earning some extra, as well as I can play with dogs!!!!! Aren't this is a *WHEEEE*? Well, wait a minute, what if the dog is stronger, bigger than me, and they walk me rather than I walk them instead? Hmph.... Let's think about that later! *giggles*

Too many things have crossed my mind... I would be please to share with y'all once I got my list done! For y'all who wants to know more... Please follow me through my blog! *smile*

Until next time, xxoo.

Friday, June 18

A&F Quarterly is coming SOON!

Dear Abercrombie and Fitch fan,

Quick people, QUARTERLY is coming back soon!!!!!! But, GRAB 'em right now!

Hope y'all enjoying the A&F QUARTERLY once you got it.... *wink*

Until then, xxoo.

Thursday, June 17

A&F Sunny Dresses are awaiting you

Dear Abercrombie and Fitch fans,

Here you go... SUMMER is here, and I know hanging out with dearly friends and your partner at the beach is the best damn option! A&F has already stocked up their cute, lovely summer sunny dresses and are all await for you to pick them!

On the other hand, whoever is bringing sisters, or your kids, you can even shop together and find any MATCHING dresses! A&F goes trendy for KIDS too!  *wink*

Enjoy shopping and have fun picking up new stuff! 


Until then, xxoo.

Saturday, June 12

Exams is around the corner

Dear readers,

HiYA! Just to let you guys know that I am having my first sem's exams on this coming Tuesday 15th June. This means I'll be unable to upload any recent blogs... But I WILL BE BACK on 23rd June!

So, stay tuned! 

You guys have fun enjoying the rest of your days!

Until then, xxoo.

Tuesday, June 8

Happy Birthday Love

Dear UwEi love,

*sticking out tongue playfully*

I hope I could wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY in panty like Simpson... But, I guess... You just have to make me really drunk FIRST.... *LOL*

And I hope you enjoy the KEY that I got you! (ROTFL)

Love you always honey! =) 

Enjoy! Will celebrate once with you again when I go back! *big smile*

Until then, xxoo.

Saturday, June 5

A&F goes classic

Dear Abercrombie and Fitch fans,

Hello, good news to both of guys and ladies, Abercrombie and Fitch is now having new CLASSIC looking wonderful items! Its time, again, to go to the nearest A&F store to pick 'em out! 

Have fun shopping people! *wink*

Please visit abercrombie if you want to shop them online. *big smile*

Until then, xxoo.

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