Saturday, July 12

time is moving so small...




I woke up this morning and I feel terribly strange, especially my mood. Well yeah, I have to admit that I being like this is because I know that my friends are going to leave Malaysia and go to Australia and I'm leaving too, to Canada. The time that we've spent together were so little. Approximately 2 weeks time are extremely short and tiny!! Matter of fact, it was totally so-not-enough for us to do crazy things! How sad!

To prevent more-causing-unhappiness-thoughts, I approach my bookshelf and take out a book which titled, 101 things to do before you die. I'd flip through a few pages of it and I realized that I've achieved some of the THINGS such as :

  • visits some of the 7 wonders of the world,

  • visit the World's tallest buildings,

  • get a tattoo or a piercing, drive a car at top speed,

  • be friend with your ex,

  • watch the all-time greatest films,

  • ride the world's biggest rollercoaster, and

  • see some huge/fierce animals in the Wild...

Reminiscing on those memories which I most remember was when I visited Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada or Niagara Falls, New York. Niagara Falls are massive waterfalls which is straddling the international border seperating the Canadian province of Ontario and the U.S. state of New York. It is the most powerful waterfalls in North America. It is so powerful that the water splashes so strong and blurred the sight. I called it "mist". And of course the "mist" might caused you wet. Imagining during winter time and the "mist" got you. Trust me, you never want to do that in the weather of negative 20 degree or more, I warn cha!!!

However, my so-called strange feeling is slowly fading away while reading the book and reminiscing on those memories. Life is too short not to make the best and the most of everything that comes your way everyday. Thinking about that I left less-than-a-week-days in Malaysia with my family is making my heart feels heavier and heavier each day. Family means too much, friends are too valuable, and life is too short, to put-off sharing with them, how much they really mean to me and pursuing whatever it is that makes me happy.

1 wrote a note:

PuFF said...

Heyo!! Happy birth-blog day to you :)

Finally, your long awaited blog post. Interesting leh, you have visited many places, did crazy thins and stuff. Sometimes I envy you for that :)

Keep it up o, i'll always be reading.

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