Sunday, March 22

Brackley Park

I am indeed strongly agree on how Arthur C. Clarke stated "How inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is quite clearly Ocean".


Thanks GOD for that, Ocean on this planet has taken up approximately 70% of the whole planet and the rest that left are 30% which are lands. 30% lands and about 10% to 15% are mountains and wastelands. Imagine the world with 6 billions ++ populations with the increasing number by 3 in every second, standing, shitting, sleeping, fucking, polluting, etc on this 15% land sides of the whole planet. Now, its time to go get some paperback by the environmentalist who name Bill McKibben! All of his book talk about how to save the environment. DUDE! Give inner thought of HOW THE WORLD WOULD END ONE DAY because of you!

However, that was just the starting for some ADS of Bill McKibben because I love him as how he is! HE IS BRILLIANT!!! He is die-heartedly to what he is doing now, as an environmentalist who tries so hard to push the world to stop polluting the planet!

Anyway, this is not the purpose of this blog entry, HAHAHHA.....


I've been trying to sleep, really. But God knows who keep calling me on the perfect, nice, warm sunny Saturday! (Well, it's weird for not hanging out on this such perfect warmy day which I've been die-waiting for it.... But things happen... I can't help.) I don't care the phone call... It went on ringing twice in a roll. I did not expect anything that would be FOR ME.

Few minutes later...

"Knock , Knock"

I was like, OH CRAP, who that is? Familiar voice answered "ITS NEIL!" I pull myself up from warm pig-pen-like bed to open the door. Neil was like, "DO YOU WANT TO GO TO THE BEACH?" I was like.... BEACH? In so-not-springy-season-weather? yah de yah da... I've changed then pick up some snacks and camera then I was good to go. When I went into the car, NEIL said, we call you out is simply because of we needed camera. I WAS LIKE, FUCK UUUUUUUUUUUUU! Well, look at the bright side, it would be my LOST if they did not asked me out on that day!

On the journey to the BRACKLEY PARK/BEACH, I was taking pictures and cracking jokes. AND seeing NEIL in his pyjamas, makes me wondering if it is "EMPTY" inside.... LOL. I don't know why I love making fun of him 24/7. Just like how DEE DEE loves bully her brother, DEXTER!

Here is a tiny part of the fact of how Prince Edward Island create since. Prince Edward Island itself is an island, too bad, when you look at the map of it, try to come up with a description of the shape of the island, I call it a piece of floating shit! P.E.I is Canada's seventh and smallest province, is affectionately referered to by its people as "the Island". The P.E.I has other names that highlight aspects of its history and character "The Garden of the Gulf". P.E.I was created as a province since July 1st, 1873 and the Prince Edward name was to Honour Prince Edward, Duke the Kent, father of Queen Victoria. Capital city in P.E.I is Charlottetown where I am now currently staying! I have not yet seen the provincial flower yet, which they called it "pink lady's slipper".The "entrance" of the Brackley Park. It looks blur because of the front window is .... Y'know! I love how the road is normally wide and the sides of the road full of trees! Imagine myself walking in such places during FALL or Spring can be a really cool picture!!! I love nature!

As for those people who know me, I always love ocean... I love how the wind blows on your face and your hair gets messy and sticky. I love the smell of the ocean, salty yet sandy! Arrrr.... Picturing myself indulge my lovely cute bums into the sand and stare at the ocean which wide and no limited end made me........ FEEL SO ALIVE! Anyway, when I first get to the Brackly Park, I look at the ocean and the first thought hits me : They're dead and QUIET!!!! Frankly, this sounds like the end of the world for me though. HAHAHHA. PS: It is just because of the CANADA's WEATHER here which frozes the sea water up! The wind is still blowing, but without the seasalt smell, makes me wonder...... How snowy and SOLID the sea water looks like...

Tony and Neil

We stay for awhile, because,
1. Neil is wearing pyjamas, thin enough to freeze him up....
2. I'm cold, crap, I admit it!!! It's cold that day even though the sun is shinely hit on your
3. No one else know what to DO at there.

So we left.... And strolling around in the car at the area in Brackley Park. More pictures of the scenery on the way back:

yay! The ice has melted away.... Part of it, at least... ^^
My second light houses in Prince Edward Island!Have absolutely no idea what building was this, but it was just.... NICE..

As I've mentioned that I love bully Neil, here.... What he deserved!LOL... I bit him! Because he kept grabbed my chin while I'm trying to talk.... HAHAHA....

In my Malaysia language, I would say "PADE MUKA!"

Thursday, March 19

Cut off the SKIN

Always wanted to be a veterinarian since I was 15 years old. People always ask me why veterinarian? I couldn't really answer them. I guess, this is my instinct. But the problem is now that, Veterinary dream and the ME now seem to be far far away from each other! Sigh.... I don't see myself give up yet, I am still chasing after it, and catching up with things on the way!

However... In my biology 132 this semester, we have three labs are rat dissections and one with the cow eye dissection. I'm pretty excited with the labs, really. I never dissect any animal before in my entire 20 years life... This is my friggin' first time! And thanks to Baverly and Jody who let me dissect the RAT in the very first dissecting lab!!! THANKS!!! I'd APPRECIATE a lot!

Picking up those dissecting tools make me feel so.... DOCTORY... LOL

Choosing dead rat makes me feel sad... A whole big sink with 15 dead rats and a dead piglet... NO WAY! They all died because of WE, human kinds, want to pick up knowledge by doing experiment on them! Sometimes, this is not fair.

Now I got to give my comment on the whole dissection lab in this semester. I don't feel like I learn anything from dissecting those pity dead rat. Really, although the whole dissecting processes are fun and interesting... You don't get to really learn things from it. Well, from my opinion... This can actually learn through BOOKS! Because when you dissect the rat, somehow, you will cut off some muscles, or the epidermis that you should be looking for. Besides, some part of the rat like the "voice box" is underneath the muscle, between the thoracic bone. Me and my lab partner cannot see it... It is impossible for me to "dig" through the pity dead rat, right???? At least, I couldn't do that!

The part to crack it's skull makes me yell a lot.... BECAUSE, I can simply feel the pain for the rat.... Argh..... Plus you can heard the "craking" some! FUCK! That's not nice!!!! Then, I have the plug off the brain from the skull.... The rat's brain is really tiny... HAHHAA... Seriously, I LOVE IT...

Anway, this is the BEST biology lab ever!!!! I really sorry rat.... I name him "Ah Fat" because my rat is somehow BIG and FAT....
Ah Fat was a cute lil' rat...

Rest In Peace..... I'm really sorry that I've kept your brain into your stomach! ><

Always will remember you, buddy! Thanks a lot!

Tuesday, March 17

Happy Birthday Biatch!!!

to my dearest biatch-HIRAN!!! Hope you have a wonderful year and have a blast being a 20 years old, young woman!!!! And also hope u have a WARNA-VARNI life eh!!!



PS: see you soon!

Sunday, March 1

Happy Birthday Benny

Define animal lover...
Animal love or animal friendship are emotions of fondness that lead to bonding with non-human species.

I am strongly bonded to animal, in short, I love animal insanely, deeply.... I have a dog back home (This is one of the reason of loving them so much that I've persuaded my parents to get me a dog), Golden Retriever and I name him Ben! Today, he is fully 35 years old! Unfortunately, I am not in Malaysia, meaning I couldn't celebrate with him. >.<

Short but I wanted to say.... Happy Birthday Benny, the love of my life! XOXO...

PS: will definitely get a huge cheese cake when "jeje" come back to Malaysia. Promise! Love you!

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