Friday, February 12

first nice shots

Am desperately wanting to know/learn more about photography. Seriously, I never thought of photographing can be so much fun!!!!

I have three favorite snapshot by myself so far by using a "oh, there-was-a-canon-40d-on-the-floor-so-I'm-gonna-use-it-to-shot-a-few-shot" camera. (only people who know why it is like this) *giggles*
this is the first one, it got a little blurry in it.. but still.. I love the combination of the color and the sun light..
the second time on trying to snap shot on the same scene... it's pretty much the same, but it gets a lil' bit better!
LAST ONE... My favorite of all! I think this is bloody supposedly tend to be a poster or something! *LOL*
Am truly sorry for being narcissism. :P

Hope you guys like these pictures. 

Until then, xxoo.

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