Friday, December 26

Boxing Day

Biological clock of mine is already immune to 6A.M., says everyday... But because of Boxing day... I woke up at 8A.M. when I slept at 5++A.M.. Surprisingly, I don't feel really tired after that (maybe it is because of the "power of boxing day"). When I first arrive at Eaton Center, the people is twice the amount of the other day (Eaton center is always full of people normally). Abercrombie and Fitch is one of the most must-go-in store, and people outside the store were this much: This is just the side of it... Another side is the same or even worst!

Boxing day is really a day that you can see a lot of craziness of how women and men can do to each different stores! They snatch, they grabbed and they queue for hours and they RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The most funny thing is, normally when you go to any boutique stores, the sale person will say "Hi, how are you today? If you need any help just let any one of us know." And during the boxing day, sale person don't even have time to look at you. When you want to pay for your items, they will look at it, scan it and tell u the total. That's it!!! Imagine how busy they are.

Everything is up to 70% off... or buy one get one free, even new products! This is what I like about boxing day! Hahahha. I bought for a few clothes and then I went to North York to eat my favorite AJISEN RAMEN!After eating, boost enough of energy and I went to Queen Street to shopping, AGAIN! Hehehe...The thing is... It is winter time now, the stores which located in Queen Street are all on the road side and everyone is still walking up and down the street, holding big and small paperbags, looking exhausted but yet still show I-still-need-to-buy-more-face.

I'm done for the shopping, and Marley and Me movie hits my head. I told myself that I have to go to the nearest cinema to watch the movie! So I went for the movie... =)

That's how I spend my boxing day in Toronto. For the record, I need foot massage!!!!

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