Tuesday, August 26

bye bye stresses!

Yeah... I know, I know... Life is just like a roller coaster ride. A sudden UP UP UP, DOWN DOWN DOWN and unpredictable 360 degree huge round(s). Well, who can tells they never rode on a roller coaster ride?? Depending on different people, some may laughing their arse off after they've finished a ride. Some may looked extremely pale or "green" after that, and some... Hmph, pee in pants? Or vomit and the rest of the roller coaster riders get SPLASHED during the ride? Oh mi god! Can you actually imagine the picture of HOW those victims get the "crapz"? They'll be like "Arr... Raining? No? Taste kind of wi..wei...weird... etc (you picture yourself)!" Hahahaha... Anyway, here's some video clips... To make all you laugh... Make yourself free from stress, burden of ur works/studies, etc.

Hmph, I can feel all of you are laughing so badly that u guys almost near tears... Tummy cramped? Hmm? It's not enough? Here you go again....

I swear to God... This is extremely hilarious to me! Guess what people? I've been watching the same clip for like 5 times, and I can't help laughing for this clip still!! Whew, I love Russell Peter! Don't you guys too?? LOL!

Hmph, feeling better people, after a big laugh? Feeling that your day isn't that bad after all? Don't let a "thing" gets you... You're way smarter than the "thing". You shouldn't let them get you but you can find a solution to get yourself out of it! Ask yourself in heart, is it worth to be that way? To let yourself drown into "things" and start worrying some nonsenses, unable to move forward because of some mistakes? Or etc etc.... Come on people! There's always a way for you to move on... It's all depend on you! DO IT or NOT? Snap!! That's all its about! Think outside the box! Don't trapped your brain into just a skull (well, it is literally in the skull, but i mean figuratively!).

Whaaaaa....? Not enough? Ok, here I give you guys another funny clip! Enjoy!

Hahahhaahahahhahahahhahahaha.... It's America, what do you expect? Frankly, M.C. is kind of.... I feel pity for him though. Sigh, What can I say? America is a free country... Recognize Eddie Griffin? He is also an actor. (From the only movie I know) Duece Bigalow, Male Gigolo movie. Y'all know the movie? Haks, trust me, it's funny, but it's not recommended for young aged people! Hahhaha! Oppsy! OK ok .... Laugh more people!! Here's another... Last one!

"Shim, shim" I know it's funny... Yeah? Hahaha... Good luck people... No one says life is easy. You can make your own life easy because the power is in your hand.... HAHAHHAHAHA!

Saturday, August 23

The song I hate ><

This was never the way I planned
Not just my intention I got so brave, drink in hand
Lost my discretion
It's not what I used to...
Just wanna try you on
I'm curious for you
Caught my attention
I kissed a girl and I like it
The tasete of her cherry chap stick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I like it
I liked it
No... I don't even know yur name
It doesn't matter, you're my experimental game
Just human nature, It's not what,
Good girls do
Not how they should behave
My head gets so confused
Hard to obey I kissed a girl and I like it
The tase of her cherry chap stick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
I felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it... I liked it
Us girls we are so magical
Soft skin, red lips, so kissable
Hard to resist so touchable
Too good to deny it
Ain't no big deal, it's innocent
I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chap stick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight I kissed a girl and I liked it ....

I kissed a Girl by Katy Perry

Thursday, August 21

wakeboarding, I like!

Everyone has definitely get interested in some of the sports as well, including me! I love beach/volley ball, bowling and wakeboarding. From all of them, I love wakeboarding the most! Well, what is wakeboarding? Wakeboarding is a surface water sport which lead by a speedboat. It was developed through a combination of water skiing, snowboarding and surfing techniques. Trust me people, wakeboarding is a really cool sport to have! The wakeboarder is towed behind the boat which is approximately 30km/hour depending on the water condition, wakeboarder's weight, board size, and most importantly is the wakeboarder's personal preference. As I know so far, wakeboarding can be performed on both speedboat and cable. On the cable will be slightly faster than the speedboat speed. It is about 50km/hour. However, the board is buoyant, can be made in... Er, I-have-absolutely-no-idea-what, but I'm sure that metal screws are inserted on the board to attach the binding and fins. Again, what is binding? The binding is the thing which allows the wakeboarder to fit their ankle into it, and it's adjusted as well. What is the purpose of the fin? The fin is according to the wakeboarder preference and it is able to adjust as well to perform different types of tricks. For me, I always attached shallow fin on my wakeboard which the fin isn't jutting deep into the water. I am still in the process of learning, so I get shallow fin and it allows me to do surface spin as well. Also, molded fins are the most used type because it creates lesser drag during wakeboarding on the water. To know more about the configuration and positioning the fin(s) and bindings, first, find out your preference in wakeboarding. There are different types of fin, for example, long based fins, multi-set-up fins, molded fins, shallow fins, canted side fins, cupped side fins and no fins. All of these fins are set up for different types of trick and effects which wakeboarder is choose to perform on the surface of the water. Nonetheless, the size of the board, the width, the length does matter too! They create different effects on the wakeboarding skill.

Wakeboarding contains lots of skills and tricks. From what I've picked up so far are backside start, surface 180 degree spin, and no handle. It is really nice to be picking up some new skills in wakeboarding. Time is definitely what you and I need to be learnt.

Standing on the sea side or lake side, seeing those wakeboarder riding on their board, flowing on the surface of the water is so relaxing and effortless, right? Lemme tell you... NO!!! Beginner needs to know how to use the "handle" properly, such as pulling to your right side is to move your board to your left, and vice versa. Besides that, beginner wakeboarder does not be able to ride on the wakeboard but kneeboard. What is kneeboard? It is a bigger board that fits your knee in (while you bending your leg). Normally, beginner need to take quite awhile to get used to to the speed and the condition of the water. Wakeboarding is not a easy sport though, I might add.

BOAT!!! A extremely important equipment to this sport. Don't have to worry people, you don't have to get a boat to learn wakeboarding. That might be costing a lot eh? Seriously, it's not necessarily to do that. In fact, every places are providing everything that convenient for people who go to wakeboard. Well, whoever onwned the boat and also a wakeboarder, they need to build up the specialized equipments as well. Such as the wakeboarding tower which normally constructed of thick-walled stainless steel or alluminium tubing. The wakeboarding tower is to place the "pull-point" about 7 feet off the water's surface. The higher "pull-point" is to easy the wakeboarder to performs jumping, flipping and also easy the wakeboarder to control their board. A lot more to know for the wakeboarding boat, and sadly, I couldn't understand some of the equipment needs.
Learning wakeboarding isn't easy at all, as I said, but praticing and if-you-really-enjoying-the-sport will make a difference. I love it so much! Time is what I need! I hope I can pick up some more new tricks as well. Besides that, KITEBOARDING is as fun as wakeboarding too! GO try kiteboarding too!!! Some people said wakeboarding is for rich people. What does that mean actually? I think whoever said so is crazy, and I think rich people never play extreme sport like wakeboarding or kiteboarding, but sport like tennis, golf, soccer and etc. However, give wakeboarding a try! Play safe and have fun people!!!

Tuesday, August 19





Monday, August 18

Why they banned them? (Condom ads)

Commercials/advertisements are omnipresent today. They are through televisions, internet, billboards, newspapers, magazines, and posters. Why they wanted to do this? How much money do they actually spend on those ad? Do they produced only one ad and then published them in public right away? NEH! They didn't! In fact, they produced a lot of different ads with different ideas and choose one of the best from all of them. Can you tell how much do they spend on the ad for their company?? (Seriously, I have no idea...)

For me, the ad that they had banned was actually quite good to me. Well, what can I say, I don't have brilliant idea for an ad if it's Durex. C'mon... What do you can do for a condom? What can you do with the ad to promote your condoms?? It just doesn't seem right though! However, here I give you the Durex-unfortunately-banned-ad:

I think this is so funny... I mean the kid is so evil-looking and he is so crazy.. I mean, a young age boy like him can have so many insane's idea of doing things.. Like... "MOM, CAN I PUT THE CAT INTO THE WASHING MACHINE??" Holy cow.... Is that a 5-6 years old kid should ask? Here you go.... "Mother said I could":

By the way... A lot of my friends said that they are going to have kids as well in the future.. I was like...Why? Isn't kid is like.... I have no idea... Here, when u watch this... You'll definitely know WHY??

People!!! Condoms help prevent the HIV disease and also pregnancy. It is definitely good for both female and male! Hahahahhahaha! Think twice... Before you start doing something! *Chark*

Sunday, August 10

spicy food ah!!!!

I, as a Malaysian and of course I love spicy food. Who doesn't??? Hmm, I love tomyam (thai food) the most in all of the spicy food. However, I went out today with my friend to ScotiaBank Cinema in Toronto to grab Pineapple Express movie, it was kinda hilarious but also hell-unlogically-crazy!!! I'm wondering how is the pineapple express taste like and why it will causes people get addicted to it. (Should I try? *LMAO*)


....Raining!!!! *Oh shoot...*

"I guess we can only walk in the rain with our hoody, ok?"

"Well, it seems like that's the only option though!"

....... Walking in the rain is so-not-fun at all! Holy cow!!! The weather tonight is cold and freaking windy! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! My new Aeropostale jacket!!!! *Sob sob*

"Say!!! SAY!!!! What do you want to eat Mindee?" my friend keeps asking me since we'd finished the movie. I was like "Oh please la Adrian!!! I'm ok with anything! You name it, and then we go there!" After a few minutes struggling with the problem that where should we go, eventually, I've realized that Adrian hasn't been to Salad King thai restaurant before. Ahaks! So we've finally decided to go there for dinner. When we'd arrived at the restaurant, the rain is still pouring and inside the restaurant were crowded with people! We have to wait 10 to 15 minutes to be seated. *Aiks*

"What would you like to order for today?" asked the waitress. "Any drinks?"

"Er, gimme one Panang Curry with chicken, I would like 15 chillies for the spicy scale, and one Mango Sticky rice, please and thank you. Oh, and gimme a glass of ice water will do. Thank you!" I replied the waitress. "Adrian, what do you want???"

"A 15 chillies Thai Shrimp Fried rice please, and a arrr.... Spring Roll, and a glass of ice water. Thanks!"This is the spicy scale of the restaurant, for me, 15 is absolutely normal though ^^ I thought it'll be extremely hot and spicy..

I was kinda enjoy my food, but poor Adrian, he is suffering with the 15 chillies fried rice. He sweats every second! He asked for ice-water all the times... Hoho.. According to Adrian, he replied that all these is because of he haven't take spicy food for quite a long time... (Is that an excuse? Muahahhahahha...) However, we had fun today!


Saturday, August 9


From February 7th, 1989 when I was born until today, August 8th, 2008, today is the day with the most perfect digits ever- 08.08.08. Hmm... Unfortunately, I didn't buy lottery today even though I'm already 19. >< (I'd win it, perhaps?)

Today, I went to no-where but there's somewhere. Hmm... It's weird but yeah, I have no idea where I was the whole time today. But at night we went to Ontario Lake. It's summer now, but the weather was a bit chilly today. Gosh, the rain, the wind, the "human-atmosphere" ruinned everything. I don't feel SUMMER but FALL!!!!!!!!!!!!! *rooooooooooooooar* )=<

"Mindee, how was the 'hebanah'"? People with me was asking. "Well....er.....DELICIOUS (which was obviously a white-lie!!!)!" I replied.

Gosh, I swollowed every single scoop by drinking mango juice to shrinkage the "Hebanah" taste. My stomach was actually grunting for a moment saying "PLEASE STOP FEEDING ME CRAP!!!!" ....... However, 08.08.08 is a great day but not the great day of tasting weird food. OH YA, I just realize today that Yonge Streetm Toronto, is the longest street in the world!!! OMG!!! (Frankly, I don't know how long it is yet though.... Feeling so lame... muahahhaha).

Anyway, I wish every married couple has great life and works out the marriage! ^^ 'Cause for me, marriage is like the end of your life. *Aiks*

The mother and the babies! Cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Hebanah" or "Habaneh" I have no idea.. but trust me, it's yuckies!!!

Yonge Street, downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

My cousin and I, at the Ontario Lake.


Friday, August 8

rock my soul

Feeling self-less today... I have no idea what happened to me these days, I'm lost, totally lost. What I want to do is to find a way back to find the REAL me. I just wanna be the one, the only me who walks on the MINDEE's rules and play the MINDEE's games! *Sigh* I feel so depressing right now! WHY?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!?

I wish there's somebody who'd able to rock my soul.

the song I love...

I open my eyes the world seems a different place
The colours are brighter and the air is sweet to taste
See it's like I woke up from a nightmare that tied me down,
I smothered and trapped inside a sleep way underground

Its time I learned to fall,
To say the word goodbye.
To feel the sunlight on my face,
Maybe that means...

I'm ready to fly,
I wanna breathe in and breathe out and be who I am,
Let go of fear wanna feel alive.I'm ready to fly,
The more that you hold me back you set me free,
You help my heart decide..
Maybe I'm, maybe I'm I'm ready to fly.

Where is your faith,
where is your love for me?
Why do you fight the things I imagine in my dreams?
See the poison is strong, an addiction is tough to break.
But love is the hardest thing I have ever had to shake

Its time to break these chains,
To look you in the eye,
To tell you that its over now,
Maybe that means...

I'm ready to fly,
I wanna breathe in and breathe out and be who I am,
Let go of fear wanna feel alive.I'm ready to fly,
The more that you hold me back you set me free,
You help my heart decide..
Maybe I'm, maybe I'm I'm ready to fly.

(Give me the strength to walk away)
(Give me the strength to stay the road ahead)
Even if it's a lonely place.
(Give me the hope to mend this heart)
(Give me the chance to see love smile, smile again)
To see love smile..

Its time I learned to fall,
To say the word goodbye.
To feel the sunlight on my face,
Maybe that means...

I'm ready to fly,
I wanna breathe in and breathe out and be who I am,
Let go of fear wanna feel alive.
I'm ready to fly,
The more that you hold me back you set me free,
You help my heart decide..
Maybe I'm, maybe I'm I'm ready to fly.

Ready To Fly by Amy Pearson

Thursday, August 7

niCOLD is coming!!!

  • Ship all of my things to Prince Edward Island. √
  • Clean up my room and pack my luggage!! √
  • Take my diploma certificate and graduation package from CIC. √
  • Pass my friend's "left-over" to Student Development Office. √
  • Buy birthday card for my friend in Australia. √
  • Pick-up my air-ticket to Prince Edward Island. X
  • Buy bottles of water for my cousin and her family. (tomorrow ^^)
  • TWO OPTION: go to airport to pick them up or not to. (have no idea yet)
Yay!!! I've done most of the to-do-list things.... *Long sigh of relief* No longer staying in Hamilton, Ontario, but I'll be going to Prince Edward Island soon. Should I yell YAY again?? I don't think so. As the matter of fact, I feel terrified though, to bind myself to a total brand new environment and people-AGAIN!!! However, I should have trust myself that I can do it. Oh, c'mon! Everyone must be the same when they first go to University, right? *ck ck ck*

In Malaysia now is 7th August, 2008, In the morning 8 AM. In Canada is now 6th August, 2008, 8 PM. I've just finished talking on the phone with my dearest cousin, NICOLD (nicole) who is now on board to Canada! OMG, I am now so HAPPY to see her in about 24 hours? Yeah, exactly!!!!

Box that I need to ship to Prince Edward Island. (There's two of them... grrrrr!)

Luggages that also need to ship to PEI. Because of these luggages are not in the "BOX", they charged me $8.50 each! HOLY COW!!!!
My diploma certificate and grad pic


Wednesday, August 6

Good Bye Columbia International College

Oh no.... It' s time to say good bye to my college and move on. Oh no.... It's time to say good bye to my friends and move on. Oh no.... It's time to say good bye to all the college's staffs and move on. Oh no.... It's time to say good bye to all the Sodexho workers and move on.

People always leave. Just like students in Columbia International College, they come and go. Some are spending a few months in the school, some are spending years in there. For me, I've spent 10 months in Columbia International College, and now, I'm leaving them to University of Prince Edward Island in the end of August. Feeling totally miserable plus nervous. Frankly, I have no idea how's the university life. I'll be spending 2 years, maybe 4 years if I don't do well for the first 2 years in my Pre-Veterinary stream. 2 years, 20 courses to complete to gain marks for Doctor of Veterinary Medicine requirement. Aiks! This course is extremely competitive and yet there's only 18 seats for International Students to get it. *&@^#&^@#)! (Pardon me.... Hehehe)

However, I will no longer step in the Columbia International College's hallway. No longer open-and-close the door of any of my classes that I've used to walked in. No longer pass through the garden and look at the maple tree in the middle of the garden. No longer queue up for food during break. No longer seeing my greatest Biology teacher-Ms. Klodt and my dearest Kinesiology teacher/squash coach-Mr. Main. *sob sob*

So-long Columbia Internation College!

Columbia International College's hallway plus lockers.

The garden and the Maple Tree ^^

Just been wondering, are they clover? I found that they're cute!

Monday, August 4

Happy family!

"MINDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! WAKEY WAKEY!! C'mon, we're going to grab breakfast now! Faster go to bath and we'll heading out in 10 minutes! IT'S 7am now (as the matter of fact, it is just 6.30am)!!!"

*5 minutes later....*

"ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I've been waking you up for like 3 times since 6.15am!!! Are you gonna to move your ass into the bathroom or not, young lady?! If you still not yet get ready in 10 minutes, we'll be leaving without you! Am I make myself clear???? So,FASTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!"

*1 minute later....*

"OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.... I've already switch off your air-cond, you still don't want to wake up??? C'mon! Daddy is waiting for you!!!! He is going to be mad if he waits any longer!! FAST LA!!!!!"

*MY MOM!!!!!!!!!!!! Who always nag when she wants me to WAKE UP to do something, like bath my doggie up, go to bank, wait for some important documents!*

I come from a average sized family, parents of course, a sister, a brother and I'm the youngest! PLUS my baby- my dog, BEN ^^ My siblings and I used to fight over ASTRO. Fight over house-jobs (nobody wants to clean the washroom, that's why)! Fight over crazy things during our chilhood like LEGO and we also take revenge on each other when something bad happens!! My sister and I were never get along when we were young until I've turned 15 years old. My brother and I (actually is with all of us) seldom talk, sometimes, we both never meet each other in 24 hours even though we are under the same roof! How unbelievable! He was a quiet person until he has turned to late teenager age (I'm supposed!) then he started to talk more than before. I guess my home will be SUPPOSELY a quiet and peace place. UNTIL I came to the family! SNAP.... Everyone has to bear with will-never-relent-headache! *hahahhaha* However, I love to be me in this family! THE STITCH! The TROUBLEMAKER!!!

Here I come to attack!!!!!!!!!!

I love to talk trash... Make crazy/lame jokes... Like:"What did the ocean say to the boat?" (ANS: nothing, it just wave ^^) Stuff like that... All of these will always irritate my family. But deep down in their heart, they love when I being so talkative! I've asked my family one lame question before. It was "Why do beavers go online?" (ANS: because they log on!), but my sister and future-bro-in-law were like.... "What is beaver?" I was like... "OMG! Are you guys serious? BEAVER... The wood eater? The cute lil' fella?!" This is beaver!!!! ^^

My family and I have extremely different point of view. Their view of everything is always serious, but ME, the extraordinary one! I feel proud to be in this family. Everybody always notices me, for what I did and what I said. Ahaks! My sister and my brother always listen to my parents, but I always opposed my parents (as in not always but in some point). When they start discussing about my problem.... SPEECHLESS! I'm the youngest, I guess they always fulfill my dream because of this? Yes? No? Maybe? I have no idea. Anyway, even though I fight with my family members all the time, but in the meanwhile, they have fun with me. ^^

My sister and I...

My brother and I, actually we are trying to pose like those Egyptian, but..... ><

DING DING!!! My dearest mummy and daddy!!! ^^

And Lastly......................My baby!!! Ben =)

Ben at the back of my house. Because he is waiting to BARK at stray cats!!!

Ben is a lovely dog. He is a obedient baby, since he came to our home, all of us have even more fun! We love him, we play tricks with Ben. He never ruinned any of our furniture and he has a lot of toys that my dad and I used to gave him! He loves fruits and snacks! He is a very choosy dog and he loves it when I feed him by USING SPOON. ^^ He is just like a baby!!! He sleeps in my parents bedroom because their room is bigger than mine. He used to to sleep with me, but until he is 6 months old, he had decided to move~ ><. However, WE LOVE BEN!!!!!

Kaching! A snap shot and here I am. Youngest daughter in the family! The most loveable one, the most "che bei tiam"(hokkien) one! ^^

I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 1

before its too late

"Argh, there's too much to do and not enough time. I've got school, homework, job, friends, parties, and family on top of everything else. I'm totally stressed out. HELP!!!!"

"How can I feel good about myself when I don't match up? Everywhere I look I am reminded that someone else is smarter, or prettier, or more popular. I can't help but thing, 'If I only had her hair, her clothes, her personality, her boyfriend, then I'd be happy.'"

"I feel as if my life is out of control."

"I'm moody and get depressed often and I don't know what to do about it."

However, these problems are real, especially when we meet some of the problems that caused us down, unfortunately, there's always a tiny evil voice flow through your mind making you feel even worst. HABIT, HABIT, HABIT!!!! All of us have our own habit, the good, the bad. Everybody must have an idea about that the most hardest thing to break is DIAMOND. But let me tell you, NO! In fact, it's HABIT. When you try to break the "H", you still have "A BIT", then you trying to break an "A", well, now you stil have "BIT". Later on, you're trying again to break the "B", guess what? You still have "IT"!!!! How interesting! So, you need to be stronger than your habits. I know, it is really difficult to change the habit that you have own it for long times, but it is possible, no matter how hard you try. It is possible!

As my own experienced, I was a very stubborn person, who used to throw my anger at people around me. I don't care who they are, I just release my anger on them by cursing, swearing, teasing, etc. But guess what? KARMA! Whatever you do, you'll get back something bad in return. When my mood swing, I will stop working on my assignment or do it in simple terms. And the result, will always a dreadful one! Yet, I will shut my friends off in most of the time. I don't want to talk to them, I just show them a fuming expression. Even to the people I love. See! This is my habit which I used to own before. Frankly, I drove everyone up the wall and I have lesser and lesser friends after all. Basically, is because of my deadly unbearable habit! Hmm...

I've changed to a better person after things were all going so wrongly in my life! Which caused me almost drown in it. Suffocate and real bad memories that I don't even dare to register myself to recollect them!

Whenever come to my friends, is always a happy moment when I hang out with them, we tell jokes, we laugh together, we share our stories, we do things together, etc. I've missed those time together back home in Malaysia. I have these two secondary school friends, who are both absolutely talented comedian! PEI and Qi.

There they are! QI (left) and PEI (right)

We are always crazy, whenever we hang out, we had never stopped laughing before. In fact, we always present each other a "unique" gift, like a "LALA" or "HAM", or "sister" or "brother" whatever we name it. Hmm. But the most interesting thing is, the way PEI acts, speaks, and the way she do things are extremely alike as my mom. That's why I call her MOM and she calls me GIRL. Hahaha! Gosh, I miss both of them so badly! QI and PEI are both afraid of my dog! Well, I didn't mean that my dog will attack whoever in anytime, but the SIZE is what I'm talking about. I was distracted when my dog ran down to the living room and at the same time, QI, PEI and I were about to take picture. So, the post we have were awesome.
I was like "OH NO, BEN IS COMING DOWN, HOW ARE BOTH OF THEM GONNA REACT?!?!?!?!?" Both of them are still 'cheesing' happily with the camera! How well-communicate! Ish ish ish!!!

And so... I yell "BEN IS COMING DOWN!!!" And *KABOOOOOOM*, both of them jumped up to the sofa and PEI started to yell, "MINDEE, DON'T LET HIM COME OVER!!! BRING HIM UP TO THE ROOM!!!!!!!!!!" (at this moment, I laughed crazily and what I unexpected was my mum who was supposed to be our photographer at the time...she snapped this......)
Both of them were not be able to put their legs down! SEE!!! They both were trying to curled up to avoid my dog! HAHAHAHHA... I'm so sorry PEI and QI, that I uploaded this picture. ><

However, we had fun that time before I left my home town in Malaysia. Sigh. Please please please don't reflect your anger on your friends. They will never ever be your release-anger-dump-toy to you! You need to bear with your emotion and habit well enough. Friends always there for you to talk about your situation, but not for you to scold them! I was someone like this before, when I'd mood swing, I'll go to my boyfriend (ex-boyfriend, I'm supposed) and eventually, he'd be a mad, moody person too! The result never turn out better, but I was messing everything up. I was so regret of all these crap. NO!!! It was bad! WRONG!!! Appreciate your friends around you before they had decided to walk away from you! Trust me, the feeling is 10 times worse than you're getting into bad mood! You never want your friends to leave you, right? So, starting from today, change yourself! Change your habit! Apologize to your friends and do not repeat any of it again. LOVE THEM!
I love you both QI and PEI! ^^ cheers! We'll see again A S A P!
CHEESE! Friends Forever!


Szemin and I

Pei, Szemin, LiFang, and I ^^

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