Monday, August 18

Why they banned them? (Condom ads)

Commercials/advertisements are omnipresent today. They are through televisions, internet, billboards, newspapers, magazines, and posters. Why they wanted to do this? How much money do they actually spend on those ad? Do they produced only one ad and then published them in public right away? NEH! They didn't! In fact, they produced a lot of different ads with different ideas and choose one of the best from all of them. Can you tell how much do they spend on the ad for their company?? (Seriously, I have no idea...)

For me, the ad that they had banned was actually quite good to me. Well, what can I say, I don't have brilliant idea for an ad if it's Durex. C'mon... What do you can do for a condom? What can you do with the ad to promote your condoms?? It just doesn't seem right though! However, here I give you the Durex-unfortunately-banned-ad:

I think this is so funny... I mean the kid is so evil-looking and he is so crazy.. I mean, a young age boy like him can have so many insane's idea of doing things.. Like... "MOM, CAN I PUT THE CAT INTO THE WASHING MACHINE??" Holy cow.... Is that a 5-6 years old kid should ask? Here you go.... "Mother said I could":

By the way... A lot of my friends said that they are going to have kids as well in the future.. I was like...Why? Isn't kid is like.... I have no idea... Here, when u watch this... You'll definitely know WHY??

People!!! Condoms help prevent the HIV disease and also pregnancy. It is definitely good for both female and male! Hahahahhahaha! Think twice... Before you start doing something! *Chark*

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