Monday, August 4

Happy family!

"MINDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! WAKEY WAKEY!! C'mon, we're going to grab breakfast now! Faster go to bath and we'll heading out in 10 minutes! IT'S 7am now (as the matter of fact, it is just 6.30am)!!!"

*5 minutes later....*

"ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I've been waking you up for like 3 times since 6.15am!!! Are you gonna to move your ass into the bathroom or not, young lady?! If you still not yet get ready in 10 minutes, we'll be leaving without you! Am I make myself clear???? So,FASTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!"

*1 minute later....*

"OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.... I've already switch off your air-cond, you still don't want to wake up??? C'mon! Daddy is waiting for you!!!! He is going to be mad if he waits any longer!! FAST LA!!!!!"

*MY MOM!!!!!!!!!!!! Who always nag when she wants me to WAKE UP to do something, like bath my doggie up, go to bank, wait for some important documents!*

I come from a average sized family, parents of course, a sister, a brother and I'm the youngest! PLUS my baby- my dog, BEN ^^ My siblings and I used to fight over ASTRO. Fight over house-jobs (nobody wants to clean the washroom, that's why)! Fight over crazy things during our chilhood like LEGO and we also take revenge on each other when something bad happens!! My sister and I were never get along when we were young until I've turned 15 years old. My brother and I (actually is with all of us) seldom talk, sometimes, we both never meet each other in 24 hours even though we are under the same roof! How unbelievable! He was a quiet person until he has turned to late teenager age (I'm supposed!) then he started to talk more than before. I guess my home will be SUPPOSELY a quiet and peace place. UNTIL I came to the family! SNAP.... Everyone has to bear with will-never-relent-headache! *hahahhaha* However, I love to be me in this family! THE STITCH! The TROUBLEMAKER!!!

Here I come to attack!!!!!!!!!!

I love to talk trash... Make crazy/lame jokes... Like:"What did the ocean say to the boat?" (ANS: nothing, it just wave ^^) Stuff like that... All of these will always irritate my family. But deep down in their heart, they love when I being so talkative! I've asked my family one lame question before. It was "Why do beavers go online?" (ANS: because they log on!), but my sister and future-bro-in-law were like.... "What is beaver?" I was like... "OMG! Are you guys serious? BEAVER... The wood eater? The cute lil' fella?!" This is beaver!!!! ^^

My family and I have extremely different point of view. Their view of everything is always serious, but ME, the extraordinary one! I feel proud to be in this family. Everybody always notices me, for what I did and what I said. Ahaks! My sister and my brother always listen to my parents, but I always opposed my parents (as in not always but in some point). When they start discussing about my problem.... SPEECHLESS! I'm the youngest, I guess they always fulfill my dream because of this? Yes? No? Maybe? I have no idea. Anyway, even though I fight with my family members all the time, but in the meanwhile, they have fun with me. ^^

My sister and I...

My brother and I, actually we are trying to pose like those Egyptian, but..... ><

DING DING!!! My dearest mummy and daddy!!! ^^

And Lastly......................My baby!!! Ben =)

Ben at the back of my house. Because he is waiting to BARK at stray cats!!!

Ben is a lovely dog. He is a obedient baby, since he came to our home, all of us have even more fun! We love him, we play tricks with Ben. He never ruinned any of our furniture and he has a lot of toys that my dad and I used to gave him! He loves fruits and snacks! He is a very choosy dog and he loves it when I feed him by USING SPOON. ^^ He is just like a baby!!! He sleeps in my parents bedroom because their room is bigger than mine. He used to to sleep with me, but until he is 6 months old, he had decided to move~ ><. However, WE LOVE BEN!!!!!

Kaching! A snap shot and here I am. Youngest daughter in the family! The most loveable one, the most "che bei tiam"(hokkien) one! ^^

I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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