Friday, August 1

before its too late

"Argh, there's too much to do and not enough time. I've got school, homework, job, friends, parties, and family on top of everything else. I'm totally stressed out. HELP!!!!"

"How can I feel good about myself when I don't match up? Everywhere I look I am reminded that someone else is smarter, or prettier, or more popular. I can't help but thing, 'If I only had her hair, her clothes, her personality, her boyfriend, then I'd be happy.'"

"I feel as if my life is out of control."

"I'm moody and get depressed often and I don't know what to do about it."

However, these problems are real, especially when we meet some of the problems that caused us down, unfortunately, there's always a tiny evil voice flow through your mind making you feel even worst. HABIT, HABIT, HABIT!!!! All of us have our own habit, the good, the bad. Everybody must have an idea about that the most hardest thing to break is DIAMOND. But let me tell you, NO! In fact, it's HABIT. When you try to break the "H", you still have "A BIT", then you trying to break an "A", well, now you stil have "BIT". Later on, you're trying again to break the "B", guess what? You still have "IT"!!!! How interesting! So, you need to be stronger than your habits. I know, it is really difficult to change the habit that you have own it for long times, but it is possible, no matter how hard you try. It is possible!

As my own experienced, I was a very stubborn person, who used to throw my anger at people around me. I don't care who they are, I just release my anger on them by cursing, swearing, teasing, etc. But guess what? KARMA! Whatever you do, you'll get back something bad in return. When my mood swing, I will stop working on my assignment or do it in simple terms. And the result, will always a dreadful one! Yet, I will shut my friends off in most of the time. I don't want to talk to them, I just show them a fuming expression. Even to the people I love. See! This is my habit which I used to own before. Frankly, I drove everyone up the wall and I have lesser and lesser friends after all. Basically, is because of my deadly unbearable habit! Hmm...

I've changed to a better person after things were all going so wrongly in my life! Which caused me almost drown in it. Suffocate and real bad memories that I don't even dare to register myself to recollect them!

Whenever come to my friends, is always a happy moment when I hang out with them, we tell jokes, we laugh together, we share our stories, we do things together, etc. I've missed those time together back home in Malaysia. I have these two secondary school friends, who are both absolutely talented comedian! PEI and Qi.

There they are! QI (left) and PEI (right)

We are always crazy, whenever we hang out, we had never stopped laughing before. In fact, we always present each other a "unique" gift, like a "LALA" or "HAM", or "sister" or "brother" whatever we name it. Hmm. But the most interesting thing is, the way PEI acts, speaks, and the way she do things are extremely alike as my mom. That's why I call her MOM and she calls me GIRL. Hahaha! Gosh, I miss both of them so badly! QI and PEI are both afraid of my dog! Well, I didn't mean that my dog will attack whoever in anytime, but the SIZE is what I'm talking about. I was distracted when my dog ran down to the living room and at the same time, QI, PEI and I were about to take picture. So, the post we have were awesome.
I was like "OH NO, BEN IS COMING DOWN, HOW ARE BOTH OF THEM GONNA REACT?!?!?!?!?" Both of them are still 'cheesing' happily with the camera! How well-communicate! Ish ish ish!!!

And so... I yell "BEN IS COMING DOWN!!!" And *KABOOOOOOM*, both of them jumped up to the sofa and PEI started to yell, "MINDEE, DON'T LET HIM COME OVER!!! BRING HIM UP TO THE ROOM!!!!!!!!!!" (at this moment, I laughed crazily and what I unexpected was my mum who was supposed to be our photographer at the time...she snapped this......)
Both of them were not be able to put their legs down! SEE!!! They both were trying to curled up to avoid my dog! HAHAHAHHA... I'm so sorry PEI and QI, that I uploaded this picture. ><

However, we had fun that time before I left my home town in Malaysia. Sigh. Please please please don't reflect your anger on your friends. They will never ever be your release-anger-dump-toy to you! You need to bear with your emotion and habit well enough. Friends always there for you to talk about your situation, but not for you to scold them! I was someone like this before, when I'd mood swing, I'll go to my boyfriend (ex-boyfriend, I'm supposed) and eventually, he'd be a mad, moody person too! The result never turn out better, but I was messing everything up. I was so regret of all these crap. NO!!! It was bad! WRONG!!! Appreciate your friends around you before they had decided to walk away from you! Trust me, the feeling is 10 times worse than you're getting into bad mood! You never want your friends to leave you, right? So, starting from today, change yourself! Change your habit! Apologize to your friends and do not repeat any of it again. LOVE THEM!
I love you both QI and PEI! ^^ cheers! We'll see again A S A P!
CHEESE! Friends Forever!


Szemin and I

Pei, Szemin, LiFang, and I ^^

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