Tuesday, August 26

bye bye stresses!

Yeah... I know, I know... Life is just like a roller coaster ride. A sudden UP UP UP, DOWN DOWN DOWN and unpredictable 360 degree huge round(s). Well, who can tells they never rode on a roller coaster ride?? Depending on different people, some may laughing their arse off after they've finished a ride. Some may looked extremely pale or "green" after that, and some... Hmph, pee in pants? Or vomit and the rest of the roller coaster riders get SPLASHED during the ride? Oh mi god! Can you actually imagine the picture of HOW those victims get the "crapz"? They'll be like "Arr... Raining? No? Taste kind of wi..wei...weird... etc (you picture yourself)!" Hahahaha... Anyway, here's some video clips... To make all you laugh... Make yourself free from stress, burden of ur works/studies, etc.

Hmph, I can feel all of you are laughing so badly that u guys almost near tears... Tummy cramped? Hmm? It's not enough? Here you go again....

I swear to God... This is extremely hilarious to me! Guess what people? I've been watching the same clip for like 5 times, and I can't help laughing for this clip still!! Whew, I love Russell Peter! Don't you guys too?? LOL!

Hmph, feeling better people, after a big laugh? Feeling that your day isn't that bad after all? Don't let a "thing" gets you... You're way smarter than the "thing". You shouldn't let them get you but you can find a solution to get yourself out of it! Ask yourself in heart, is it worth to be that way? To let yourself drown into "things" and start worrying some nonsenses, unable to move forward because of some mistakes? Or etc etc.... Come on people! There's always a way for you to move on... It's all depend on you! DO IT or NOT? Snap!! That's all its about! Think outside the box! Don't trapped your brain into just a skull (well, it is literally in the skull, but i mean figuratively!).

Whaaaaa....? Not enough? Ok, here I give you guys another funny clip! Enjoy!

Hahahhaahahahhahahahhahahaha.... It's America, what do you expect? Frankly, M.C. is kind of.... I feel pity for him though. Sigh, What can I say? America is a free country... Recognize Eddie Griffin? He is also an actor. (From the only movie I know) Duece Bigalow, Male Gigolo movie. Y'all know the movie? Haks, trust me, it's funny, but it's not recommended for young aged people! Hahhaha! Oppsy! OK ok .... Laugh more people!! Here's another... Last one!

"Shim, shim" I know it's funny... Yeah? Hahaha... Good luck people... No one says life is easy. You can make your own life easy because the power is in your hand.... HAHAHHAHAHA!

2 wrote a note:

p e i p e i said...

girl,i linked u in my page ad.tee hee=)

m i n d e e said...

oh really? Great! haks... thanks sweety!! Hehehhe

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