Wednesday, January 28

Happy Birthday Bro!!!

Happy Birthday to my Lovely Brother, Min Shen. Speaking of my brother, I love him, of course! I miss him and I even miss the time when we were together cracking jokes, laugh crying, FIGHT and kick on each other room's door until our parents came our from their room and YELL at us..... THAT'S ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!

However, today is his birthday and also the first day of Chinese New Year. I wasn't there. According to Lunar calendar, it is my birthda
y today TOO!!! Throughout 20 years with my brother, today is the first time of having same birthday together!


TOO BAD......................................

He is not here for me... and vice versa~

I want to go back la!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =(



Tuesday, January 27

Happy Moo Moo Year!!!

Happy Chinese New Year!!! 牛年行大!!!

Wish everyone Happy 牛 Year!!!

Saturday, January 17

It's cold!!! Before coming to Canada, I always wanted to experience the feeling of surrounded by snows.... And now I am in Canada... Frankly, I hate snow!!! I FUCKING hate snow!!!! I even hate winter time! In Malaysia, whenever you feel hot, you can put on short pants, tank top, and flip flop... That's it, you're good to go... In Canada, even summer time you have to put a coat on. Imagine the winter time here! Minus 20++ to 30++, it will definitely kill me lah! During the cold day, you can't put on tank top and short pants, but you have to put on layer and layer of coats which is, STILL FOOKING NOT ENOUGH!

BUT thanks to my dearest parents!!! They bought me winter needs and since, I AM STILL ALIVE!!! Muahahhahhaa....

This is my winter Firefly coat, I love it so much!!! It doesn't contain any down which is insanely great for those animal lover! (Not me, apparently)This is my Adidas boots... Water proof and snow proof, DUH~ It helps warm my feet up and prevent me from falling down... MUAHAHAHA... good eh? My mittens!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh god, remember the first bruise I got which I've mentioned in the previous blog, the first day of 2009. I got that bruise without any gloves protect my hand.. and NOW... hehehee, my glove will help me from cold... ^^What is this??? Egg protector? Er..... NO... It is my earbag! Haha... I don't like to bring ear muff with me since I have gloves hang on my coat whenever I take it off, plus, how and where should I hang a ear muff??? DUH... So, I get myself a earbag instead! When you put it on, it will be like:TA DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Lastly, my beanie and scarfs!

Thanks to all of them, if not, I might be already buried by thousands feet of snow!!!

Bottom line... I HATE WINTER TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 15

Die or no Die?

CALCULUS, why calculus??? Some of the calculation that we did in calculus doesn't seem to be able to use in real life.. BUT we (to those who thought so too) are WRONG!!! Because, if we don't use those method to calculate for most of the things that we see in real life, probably we were already dead by now!!! Just because of the missed calculation of some digit or the way of doing calculation for a building, OR even send an astronaut out to the space too!!! Significant figure which I hate the most, is important!!! 1% mistake from the calculation, then.... Just say bye bye to the particular astronauts forever!!! Sounds cruel and horrible isn't it? But this is the fact, so... To those who are taking calculus, please learn well and take it SERIOUSLY! You don't want to mis-murder someone right???

Anyway, talking about significant figures, it is important as well as any kind of calculation from calculus or simple mathematics! People who is insanely wanna go bungee jumping like me, need to know well that, bungee jumping is also need to have specific math calculation before you send yourself straight to the hell! For example, they need to know your exact body weight and so that they will be available to calculate everything before tying you up and THROW you down (you jump, no one wants to throw you... Even though you have to sign your signature on the "I AGREE" terms sheets)! So now you jump with 50-50. Either you survive (without any kind of stupid accident, like the rope split into half) or your head goes right down to 100 meters into the ground! OR maybe it's too panic that your soul jumps out before you can breath!!! Things happen, consult your doctor to have a body checked before you go try some extreme sports! It is OK if you have gifted insanely overly super hyperactive type of person! Remember, if you success, you can cross out from your "TO-DO-THINGS-BEFORE-I-DIE" list!!! Right?

As we all know, crazy things is something that sounds silly but when someone did it, y'all will be like "COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL". In some cases, people might think that is very harebrained idea for doing such thing. For example:

According to my chemistry professor said today that this was the most scary thing that he had seen in his life! He thinks those people is too sick of being alive and that's the consequences of being healthily alive-base jumping! He said that sky divers are better because when they are up high in the sky and realized that the first parachute is not working, at least they still have time to pull the second parachute as well. For the base jumper, when they leave the cliff, and realize that their parachute is not working, they will be "Hmph, my parachute is not working, so I'll...." PAK!!!!

Look at them flying is seemingly perfectly wonderful and loads of fun! I know. I wish I can do that at least once in my life time! So, if I did it, I will definitely post up video in both my facebook and blog! =)

Friday, January 9


I gOt hungry a few minutes ago... I took out two pieces of bread and my SKIPPY peanut butter. By the time I turned out the peanut butter's bottle cap, I was like "WHAT THE HELL??? Something is inside the peanut butter!!!"It was almost gross me out, but a sudden thought hit me, I looked inside my "food storage" area, I saw a pack of OREO. AHAKS!!! I knew it!! I knew it wasn't really dead flies in my peanut butter... In fact, it was the OREO left over because of ME!!!! I love eating oreo with peanut butter (to those whoever never try it before, go try it now!!!). I scooped the peanut butter by the OREO cookies directly without using anything... =P


Wednesday, January 7

What to do?

Apparently, I never thought of this day will come to me. I believe that everyone will be facing hardship when they come to things like choosing work-companies, choosing university after high school graduation, first day of school, etc. Of course including me as well. When I've chose to come to UPEI, what inside my mind was wonderful, people that I know keep telling me that Charlottetown people is nice and friendly (emphasizing CHARLOTTETOWN people still). So, I told myself, coming to PEI isn't that bad. The purpose of leaving Ontario to come all the way to PEI is that UPEI's veterinary school known as one of the best in Canada. So I came here. That's WHY.

However..... Shorten what I want to say... Is that I found myself trying harder and harder to get to make more friend
s in this uni, but its harder than I thought it'd be. As I've say in my previous blog before, my life in UPEI is just morning walk to class, come back, face my laptop and works. And that's it... I even feel afraid to go to cafeteria alone, because whenever you walked into the cafeteria, you will notice there will be hundred pair of eyes staring at you. >< When I came back on January 3rd, at night I arrived in Charlottetown. I saw a girl that who is staying at the same residence as me, I approached her and asked her if she wanted to share a cab with me to go back to residence. She said yes (without even looking at me). I thought it's all because of the wind was too cold, so that she was just having trouble or open the eyes. I didn't give much thought. After a few minutes, the cab came, and surprisingly, I was standing right behind her, and I am sure that she knows that she is supposed to ask me to get into the cab with her, but she didn't. On the other hand, she asked someone else. Because of the other person having too many luggages which couldn't fit into the cab, so she just went in alone and gone away. From the moment when the cab arrived, she didn't even look at me and ASK or TELL me LET'S GO. So, I stood there, near tears, wondering what is wrong with the people here? Is it because of my appearance? OR WHAT?????

Should I angry? Should I mad? What should I do???

During last semester, around November, I went out with 3 friends, 2 from Prince Edward Island and another one from
Labrador. We were walking to the cinema, and there were these two teenagers passed by four of us, so I stopped and give them some spaces to walk on the side. In return, the two teenagers threw stones at me and when I turned around and look at them, they ran away... Again, is it because of my appearance???

Fucking TE
LL ME!!! WHAT SHOULD I DO??????????

Tuesday, January 6

Class begins

Happy First Day of Class Everybody!!!
After three weeks holiday which I've spent in Toronto, and finally second semester of uni life has begin. Everyone is still looking the same, because we are all wrapped up in winter coats, looking fat like marshmellows. However, I am taking Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, Calculus and Global Issues (it is a writing program which is compulsory for students who study in UPEI) in this semester.

My alarm clock alarmed in the morning at 8A.M. and I was like..... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I don't wanna wake up, s
o I set my alarm clock 30 minutes later. Again, it alarmed at the time I've set, I grabbed my huge heavy arse to bathroom to take a shower and in the meanwhile, I felt something... Something that tells me "REMEMBER YOUR 2009 RESOLUTION!!!" It turned me wide awake and I look around, to see if someone inside my bathroom, STALKING me!!! Nope, there was no one... Only me and the shower (was there anybody talking to me through the shower?). Hmph... I didn't put so much thought of it, but I tell myself that whoever that is was right, I have to stick to my resolution this year, and make the best out of it! So, I quickly change and walk to class...

Fisrt class was chemistry and my instructor is no longer Dr. Jean Davis but Dr. Barry Linkletter. I can tell that he is a good professor because he knows to joke, which obviously won't turn on my sleeping mode in the class!

Second class was Calculus. My instructor is different person from last semester, he is also the person who I've seeked a lot of help for my calculus from during last semester. He is nice and he brings up joke while talking, so I guess my calculus class isn't that bad after all... My calculus website need to have user
name and password as well, which was set by my Instructor, Justin. Username is "ilovecalc" and password is "yesido" which is to reinforced the statement above, says my instructor.

Third class was biology. I couldn't help shaking my head hard when I received my course outline and heard my professor asked us the first thing beginning of the class "WHAT IS LIFE? DEFINE IT!!!" I was like.... Oh, please, at least let me get the solution today in class... Unfortunately, no one knows, no one can answer it!!! Everyone remained silent throughout a few minutes. People don't know what's life, and they keep saying out loud "OH, MY LIFE SUCKS!!! BLA BLA BLA..." Slap them hard when they say that again! =P

Fourth class was global issue, the writing class. Professor asked us "DO YOU THINK WRITING IS IMPORTANT?" and I raised my hand saying YES! And my professor asked again "DO YOU REPEAT WHAT YOU'VE TYPED WHENEVER YOU'RE SENDING MESSAGES FOR YOUR FRIENDS?" Then, this time the hand raise were decrease to only one or two people. Honestly, I felt quite ashamed at the moment. HAHHAHA.

Classes weren't that long for the first day... BECAUSE I'm done for today!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeee.

Monday, January 5

Husband and Baby

As my friends, they all know that I've already have husband and a new born baby. Anyone who has already watch the movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" will definitely know how when the wife carried her husband in her both arms. From my experience, carrying my husband doesn't feel easy at all, because my husband is considering as heavy to me. My husband name is Harry Penis, abbreviation HP and my baby name is Pretty Small Penis, abbreviation PSP. I love both of them because both of them bring me a lot of happiness and they help me to kill boredom no matter where I am.

My husband's relatives, Nokia, Sansa and Canon are very kind to me too, which I'm appreciate a lot! Nokia is my husband's cousin, he helps me to contact people when I need to, and also helps me to send all kind of messages as well to the people I wanted to contact. On the other hand, Sansa is my sister in law who plays hundred of musics for me wherever I am, in the toilet, in the subway, in the stores, in the plane, etc. My brother in law, Canon who helps me to captured a lot whenever I go to vacation. As you all know, humans memory is limited, our brain cannot store as much as information or any kind of memories that we wanted to save. Thanks to Canon, he helps me to captured a tons of pictures that I wanted to take, and Canon is a very smart guy too, sometimes he knows that I have to zoom in for some specific pictures, he can make it too, well, to know more about my brother in law, Canon, why don't y'all go online and search to get to know more about him? My brother in law is a famous guy!!!

My baby is sitting on my husband's tummy! My husband's cousin. Nokia!My sister in law. Sansa!

As you all can see why my brother in law never in this blog, to tell you the truth, he doesn't want to known as narcissism as well, so he doesn't take his picture besides helping others... I'm glad that you all have now know my family =)

I am happy to have all of them! Because of them, I don't feel alone anymore... ^^

Sunday, January 4

Time to go back!!!

Why time ticks away so quickly??? Thinking of going back to Prince Edward Island is really depressing! Three weeks gone just like that..... SNAP!!! Bye bye friends... I'll be back again.

Knowing that I have to go back to PEI, I couldn't help wishing there is a snow storm on the day before I left. I was with Adrian and I kept saying "Please snow storm tomorrow, so that the flight has to postpone to other day". Unfortunately, God doesn't even listening to me, and today, the day is sunny and perfectly for a day out, and i have to go to the airport.... SOBS =(

Emotionally arrived at the airport, still, telling that
"I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK!!!" But Adrian dragged me to the counter and checked my luggage. We then go to eat... I have no mood, I don't feel ME at all, I'm more like a walking zombie that I keep walking into the Swiss Chalet restaurant that I've even forgot about that I have to wait for the waiter to seat us until Adrian yelled at me "Mindee, eh!!!!" I walked back out from the inside of the restaurant... Still, keep saying "I DON'T WANNA GO BACK!!!!" Unlucky day. The flight was suppose to depart at 2.40pm, but because the flight was from Calgary, Alberta delayed due to the bad weather condition, so the time have been delayed from 2.40pm to 5.20pm. I was sitting inside the departure hall, doing nothing, obviously feel like dying! I was about to yell FXXX THAT!!!! I WANT TO STAY IN TORONTO!! Eventually, I got inside the plane, exhausted! I was looking for my seat and who knows that there was a guy sitting on my seat. So I've asked a stewardess about my problem. So she was like "Why the hell will you get this seat too?" I was almost lost my tempered and give her a big hard slap! Luckily, I registered myself to get a DEEP BREATH and calm myself down, because I know if I did that, I will end up staying in jail which is 10 times worse than staying in PEI. So, lastly, all these happened was because of the people who work at the counter. Printed out two exactly same seat for both of us...... However, he has to move to other seat and I finally can get to sit down after standing for a few minutes. "BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA...." by the stewardess telling us how to use those "thingy" during emergency. I didn't really bother about it because, I just got tired of listening to the same thing over and over again. Phew, the flight had finally depart.

I took picture inside the plane right after I depart from the Toronto Pearson Airport:The night light is amazing, isn't it?

Two hours flight from Toronto to Prince Edward Island, finally I've landed at PEI, and before landing, I took picture inside the plane, take a look and compare the light with the city of Toronto....Wondering how can I see in the dark.... T-T

My heart constricts when I recalling the memories of my holiday in both Toronto and Montreal. I had fun while being surrounded by my friends. Coming back to Prince Edward Island.... I can't really tell if I feel anything or not, but from what I know, I feel terrified! I can talk to my friends in Toronto, bully them as well when I feel like it but in PEI, I can only sit in front of my study table and facing my laptop or facing zillion pieces of papers! NO WAY............. I feel really hard to fit into the people in PEI, is that my problem for not trying harder to fit into them? OR is their problem for not letting me to fit in? Getting my social life blossom in PEI is one of my 2009 resolutions. SO, I will try my best again to fit into anyone here! =)

Missing those fun moments with friends during holiday.Sara, me and Tessa having foot shown in kareoke place while others were singing.Tessa and I, fighting against the cold wind, still wanna take picture! WE ARE STRONGER!
First time hitting billiard to play pool. Meeting old and new friends in Montreal. Left: Juliza, Me, Sara, Nicole, Denise and Robert. Eating good food in Montreal, Peking Duck! OMG... Looking at the picture makes me drool. Making riceball to celebrate riceball day! Walking around in the downtown of Montreal to get to Strip Club! Going to Niagara Falls (again) to shopping and have fun with each other! Celebrating Christmas with all of them and this is my gift from Sara and Robert-My favorite Vanilla Bean Hot Chocolate from Second Cup! Adrian: People who spent boxing day and the all other days with me during this holiday. Making me laugh a lot, especially the WTF gesture (from Russell Peter) inside the subway! Laughing hard by looking at Dolly tip-toeing on his bed! Dolly is also my favorite punching bag among all of my friends. Drinking my favorite ice lemon tea ONLY from Second Cup!!!! Drinking my all time fav Vanilla Bean Hot Chocolate in the cold day and night!Celebrating new year with Dolly and Adrian at City Hall, Toronto Downtown in the weather of -18 degree.

Time flies... I have to admit it... Time past by really fast... But look at the bright side, at least I've enjoyed my holiday with my friends in Ontario and now I've already fully charged and ready for my 2nd semester again! After that, I can reunion with all of my friends again! RIGHT???? =)

Thank you Nicole, Adrian, Dolly, Tessa, Chris Wong, Sara, Robert, Juliza, James, Nicole, Denise and Oriana for giving me such wonderful holidays!!!! See y'all later this year!


Thursday, January 1

First day of 2009

The first fireworks. Right after countin' down to TODAY in City Hall, TORONTO.The first bruise that I've got! (Trust me, you don't want to know HOW.)

The first subway daypass! ^^

2009 resolutions:
  • Good grades in uni!
  • Be good being in both student and daughter.
  • Stop procrastinating work!
  • Blossom social life in uni!
  • Know how to dress for events (Of course!).
  • Play well in Squash!
That's it for now... Nothing much to mention...



HAPPY 2009 YEAR!!!!!!!

PS: that is neither a dick nor a dick in condom! It was just a balloon... so... It is absolutely U program =P

Last day of 2008

Bye bye 2008.... Whatever I had with you are all history now....

Time left 24 hours to 2009. I've been wondering about what's life as you can see from my previous blog. But, now is left less than 24 hours to reach new year 2009 and I have no idea what have I done since....

Anyway.... Everything will be LAST!

-People I've kissed.

-Clothing I've wore.

-People I hang out with.Cicong and I
Dolly and I
-Message that I've received. ('Cause I was heading to the City Hall at the time! ><)

-Movie I've watched in cinema.

Bolt 3D in Scotiabank Theater Toronto.

-Thing I've said.
Honestly. I don't remember!

-Second Cup Vanilla Bean Hot Chocolate that I've drank.

-Last Korean Grilled that I've ate.

-Things I buy.

-Subway pass that I'm using for the day!

Bottom line... Anything that you did no matter is on what month, what day... It is always the last... It doesn't have to be only December 31st is the last... Because.... I know you know what I mean! Hope y'all have great memories of 2008!!


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