Sunday, January 4

Time to go back!!!

Why time ticks away so quickly??? Thinking of going back to Prince Edward Island is really depressing! Three weeks gone just like that..... SNAP!!! Bye bye friends... I'll be back again.

Knowing that I have to go back to PEI, I couldn't help wishing there is a snow storm on the day before I left. I was with Adrian and I kept saying "Please snow storm tomorrow, so that the flight has to postpone to other day". Unfortunately, God doesn't even listening to me, and today, the day is sunny and perfectly for a day out, and i have to go to the airport.... SOBS =(

Emotionally arrived at the airport, still, telling that
"I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK!!!" But Adrian dragged me to the counter and checked my luggage. We then go to eat... I have no mood, I don't feel ME at all, I'm more like a walking zombie that I keep walking into the Swiss Chalet restaurant that I've even forgot about that I have to wait for the waiter to seat us until Adrian yelled at me "Mindee, eh!!!!" I walked back out from the inside of the restaurant... Still, keep saying "I DON'T WANNA GO BACK!!!!" Unlucky day. The flight was suppose to depart at 2.40pm, but because the flight was from Calgary, Alberta delayed due to the bad weather condition, so the time have been delayed from 2.40pm to 5.20pm. I was sitting inside the departure hall, doing nothing, obviously feel like dying! I was about to yell FXXX THAT!!!! I WANT TO STAY IN TORONTO!! Eventually, I got inside the plane, exhausted! I was looking for my seat and who knows that there was a guy sitting on my seat. So I've asked a stewardess about my problem. So she was like "Why the hell will you get this seat too?" I was almost lost my tempered and give her a big hard slap! Luckily, I registered myself to get a DEEP BREATH and calm myself down, because I know if I did that, I will end up staying in jail which is 10 times worse than staying in PEI. So, lastly, all these happened was because of the people who work at the counter. Printed out two exactly same seat for both of us...... However, he has to move to other seat and I finally can get to sit down after standing for a few minutes. "BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA...." by the stewardess telling us how to use those "thingy" during emergency. I didn't really bother about it because, I just got tired of listening to the same thing over and over again. Phew, the flight had finally depart.

I took picture inside the plane right after I depart from the Toronto Pearson Airport:The night light is amazing, isn't it?

Two hours flight from Toronto to Prince Edward Island, finally I've landed at PEI, and before landing, I took picture inside the plane, take a look and compare the light with the city of Toronto....Wondering how can I see in the dark.... T-T

My heart constricts when I recalling the memories of my holiday in both Toronto and Montreal. I had fun while being surrounded by my friends. Coming back to Prince Edward Island.... I can't really tell if I feel anything or not, but from what I know, I feel terrified! I can talk to my friends in Toronto, bully them as well when I feel like it but in PEI, I can only sit in front of my study table and facing my laptop or facing zillion pieces of papers! NO WAY............. I feel really hard to fit into the people in PEI, is that my problem for not trying harder to fit into them? OR is their problem for not letting me to fit in? Getting my social life blossom in PEI is one of my 2009 resolutions. SO, I will try my best again to fit into anyone here! =)

Missing those fun moments with friends during holiday.Sara, me and Tessa having foot shown in kareoke place while others were singing.Tessa and I, fighting against the cold wind, still wanna take picture! WE ARE STRONGER!
First time hitting billiard to play pool. Meeting old and new friends in Montreal. Left: Juliza, Me, Sara, Nicole, Denise and Robert. Eating good food in Montreal, Peking Duck! OMG... Looking at the picture makes me drool. Making riceball to celebrate riceball day! Walking around in the downtown of Montreal to get to Strip Club! Going to Niagara Falls (again) to shopping and have fun with each other! Celebrating Christmas with all of them and this is my gift from Sara and Robert-My favorite Vanilla Bean Hot Chocolate from Second Cup! Adrian: People who spent boxing day and the all other days with me during this holiday. Making me laugh a lot, especially the WTF gesture (from Russell Peter) inside the subway! Laughing hard by looking at Dolly tip-toeing on his bed! Dolly is also my favorite punching bag among all of my friends. Drinking my favorite ice lemon tea ONLY from Second Cup!!!! Drinking my all time fav Vanilla Bean Hot Chocolate in the cold day and night!Celebrating new year with Dolly and Adrian at City Hall, Toronto Downtown in the weather of -18 degree.

Time flies... I have to admit it... Time past by really fast... But look at the bright side, at least I've enjoyed my holiday with my friends in Ontario and now I've already fully charged and ready for my 2nd semester again! After that, I can reunion with all of my friends again! RIGHT???? =)

Thank you Nicole, Adrian, Dolly, Tessa, Chris Wong, Sara, Robert, Juliza, James, Nicole, Denise and Oriana for giving me such wonderful holidays!!!! See y'all later this year!


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