Thursday, January 15

Die or no Die?

CALCULUS, why calculus??? Some of the calculation that we did in calculus doesn't seem to be able to use in real life.. BUT we (to those who thought so too) are WRONG!!! Because, if we don't use those method to calculate for most of the things that we see in real life, probably we were already dead by now!!! Just because of the missed calculation of some digit or the way of doing calculation for a building, OR even send an astronaut out to the space too!!! Significant figure which I hate the most, is important!!! 1% mistake from the calculation, then.... Just say bye bye to the particular astronauts forever!!! Sounds cruel and horrible isn't it? But this is the fact, so... To those who are taking calculus, please learn well and take it SERIOUSLY! You don't want to mis-murder someone right???

Anyway, talking about significant figures, it is important as well as any kind of calculation from calculus or simple mathematics! People who is insanely wanna go bungee jumping like me, need to know well that, bungee jumping is also need to have specific math calculation before you send yourself straight to the hell! For example, they need to know your exact body weight and so that they will be available to calculate everything before tying you up and THROW you down (you jump, no one wants to throw you... Even though you have to sign your signature on the "I AGREE" terms sheets)! So now you jump with 50-50. Either you survive (without any kind of stupid accident, like the rope split into half) or your head goes right down to 100 meters into the ground! OR maybe it's too panic that your soul jumps out before you can breath!!! Things happen, consult your doctor to have a body checked before you go try some extreme sports! It is OK if you have gifted insanely overly super hyperactive type of person! Remember, if you success, you can cross out from your "TO-DO-THINGS-BEFORE-I-DIE" list!!! Right?

As we all know, crazy things is something that sounds silly but when someone did it, y'all will be like "COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL". In some cases, people might think that is very harebrained idea for doing such thing. For example:

According to my chemistry professor said today that this was the most scary thing that he had seen in his life! He thinks those people is too sick of being alive and that's the consequences of being healthily alive-base jumping! He said that sky divers are better because when they are up high in the sky and realized that the first parachute is not working, at least they still have time to pull the second parachute as well. For the base jumper, when they leave the cliff, and realize that their parachute is not working, they will be "Hmph, my parachute is not working, so I'll...." PAK!!!!

Look at them flying is seemingly perfectly wonderful and loads of fun! I know. I wish I can do that at least once in my life time! So, if I did it, I will definitely post up video in both my facebook and blog! =)

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