Monday, January 5

Husband and Baby

As my friends, they all know that I've already have husband and a new born baby. Anyone who has already watch the movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" will definitely know how when the wife carried her husband in her both arms. From my experience, carrying my husband doesn't feel easy at all, because my husband is considering as heavy to me. My husband name is Harry Penis, abbreviation HP and my baby name is Pretty Small Penis, abbreviation PSP. I love both of them because both of them bring me a lot of happiness and they help me to kill boredom no matter where I am.

My husband's relatives, Nokia, Sansa and Canon are very kind to me too, which I'm appreciate a lot! Nokia is my husband's cousin, he helps me to contact people when I need to, and also helps me to send all kind of messages as well to the people I wanted to contact. On the other hand, Sansa is my sister in law who plays hundred of musics for me wherever I am, in the toilet, in the subway, in the stores, in the plane, etc. My brother in law, Canon who helps me to captured a lot whenever I go to vacation. As you all know, humans memory is limited, our brain cannot store as much as information or any kind of memories that we wanted to save. Thanks to Canon, he helps me to captured a tons of pictures that I wanted to take, and Canon is a very smart guy too, sometimes he knows that I have to zoom in for some specific pictures, he can make it too, well, to know more about my brother in law, Canon, why don't y'all go online and search to get to know more about him? My brother in law is a famous guy!!!

My baby is sitting on my husband's tummy! My husband's cousin. Nokia!My sister in law. Sansa!

As you all can see why my brother in law never in this blog, to tell you the truth, he doesn't want to known as narcissism as well, so he doesn't take his picture besides helping others... I'm glad that you all have now know my family =)

I am happy to have all of them! Because of them, I don't feel alone anymore... ^^

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