Thursday, December 31

2010 resolutions

Another new year has approaching, how fast. As the matter of fact, it will be RIGHT TOMORROW! A quick flash back to the entire 2009 year, I see myself now... At least a grown up gal. A more come-to-self person. I don't pretend to be mature now, because that was just naive! Other than this... I see myself, has had gone through so many things, and still ALIVE! Well, err... What I meant was that I've grown tougher. *Cheers to that*

From 2009 resolutions that I've planned, out of all, frankly, I've only achieved a few, which are the "good grades in uni", "being good in both student" (not the daughter YET *giggles*), and a little bit of improvement in "stop procrastinating work". I couldn't make the best out of the others were because they are all considering as pretty tough customers!!! Oh, I am so not an alcoholic anymore, nor a shopaholic! *Double cheers to that*


  • Walk in heels? Oh, puuuuuuh-lease!!! I rather gotten cut into half than walking in that beast!!! It kills elegancy of yours! (Only to whom like me- a flip-flop person. I couldn't stand on that thing more than an hour.. God-knows-why)
  • I didn't really get my social life in uni blossomed. One strange thing 'bout me here, I couldn't LET GO of myself once I got into a total strange place. Again, God-knows-why but I don't!!!!!! =(
  • How to dress for events. Hmph, this seeming equally as tough as the others. SEE, I don't wrap myself well before heading out... I just make myself feel pretty much comfy and I think that's the most important one, isn't it? Well, who cares anyway? As long as there's an event, I'll go to whoever is fashionista! =)
  • I couldn't really train myself to get better in squash was that because I don't have the time, secondly, I see myself as a minor, so I don't really go out and play with those whoever are great out there! That's why I'm still a ball-picker! *LOL*
New year resolutions are supposedly something that ME set them in, and GO FOR IT, CHANGE IT! Seriously, I've put myself out there before... But I just find it hard and I just stop being changeable! What a loser ei? NOT anymore! I don't want to be that bloody me anymore. SO, 2010 is approaching now, my new year resolutions will be:
  • New year, new university life, new bunch of friends, seriously, I don't want to be a new me, but a recognizable students and fellas right on the new school. Bottom line is that- Make the best out of it!
  • Get to know better from each and every one of my friends. I don't want to be just ACQUAINTANCE but a real true friend! Even closer than before! I find it is difficult to get to know someone across the universe... *giggles* If you know what I mean here... =) *I don't wanna blurt out all the "FATE" thing!!!*
  • In the new coming year- 2010, I hope there will be someone OUT THERE sees my card design, who can really sees it, like it, talk-to-me-into-some-card-customizing-issues/business. Then that's I LIKE. *LMAO* Even though I laughed (really laugh), I mean it! =P
  • As I've mentioned above that I haven't achieve being a good daughter, YESH, indeed, I am not considering one yet... But am improving A LOT now. At least I see it.... I know it.... And I believe that, the following years I'll be bloody great one!
  • Work/study/fun all mix up and be a bloody good time-organizer. I don't want to be just a pure student... But more of it!!!
  • Get myself five huge piggy banks. Saving up $$ to the first one for daily-expenses used. Second for buying myself a Canon DSLR camera. Third one for buying myself a HP desktop. Fourth one for giving my parents come shopping during BOXING day or any visits. Last one for school fees (if any have left). *finger crossing lemme work and earn well-thank God*
These are all that I can think of right now. If there are more coming out from my mind, I'll post them up promptly.

I hope you got your resolution done and good luck to you!

Until then...

Wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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