Monday, December 14

the crying boy

Did you know about the "Crying boy" painting, that is, CURSE MYTH!!!

I've been knowing about this painting for quite a few years now. But I was wondering now, if, you haven't know it. So I'm here to share it.

I'm not a paint-person. I used to do it sometimes, but not everytime. I hate the fact that, I have to clean all the mess after the painting and all sorts.

The story was back in 1985 onwards, that, this painting started to draw attention in public because it caused mysterious house fire in England. According to those 40-50 cases in the following years, indeed each and every house which had fire burnt to flat have had nothing left in shapes, but the only remaining was the painting that had a boy, tears rolling down his cheek, remained unscathed. Thus, the name of the "Crying Boy" painting was then named "The Curse of The Crying Boy".

Was the painting caused the fire? - It's still remain controversial. Still remain a myth!

The boy had a sorrowful eyes and he never spoke, from a priest who adopted him. Knowing it from the priest, the boy name was DON. Don Bonillo, a child who had wandering around back in the day.

This painting was painted by a Spanish artist-Serville. He had been told by the priest that, Don was not a kid that he might wanted to look after, because of he is a JINX. Serville ignored the superstitious priest and took Don home. The "Crying Boy" painting made Serville fairly rich, but one day (this was the first fire set in), the studio of the artist was burnt harshly to ground. Serville accused that Don of arson. Don ran off, and it was a long runaway because no one never heard from DON ever again.

But, in the later years, Don was killed by a car accident when he was 19 years old.

The boy had died.

The paintings were still remaining around England. And those cases happened which left everyone of us undescribeable and puzzled.

Was it really the painting caused all the mysterious fire?

Again, no one can really tell.

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