Friday, December 18

aim high and dream big

I have a friend who has a few problems regard to her personal life. Which I understood perfectly but I don't have a RIGHT, APPROPRIATE answers for her whenever she's mentioning about it. Am feeling absolutely sorry with it. =(

Anyway, I hope this help. I was back from a gathering (included her), and my mum handed me a pile of old magazines that she has kept for me while I was not here. I've simply picked up August 09 CLEO mag and I've got eyes locked up to this title "THE LIFE RE-EDIT".

To XXX, I hope you're reading this!

What I'll type in the following will be some exact sentences and quotes from the article by Bessie Recep.

"You've spent ages working towards something, only now, you're beginning to question whether it's what you really it's relationships, career or self-related, there inevitably will come times when we suddenly pause, analyze the situation at hand (hey, we're women!) and realize something's not quite right. Sometimes, we can even pinpoint what's caused the revelation (such as a job loss or unexpected relationship break-up); other times, it's not so clear. Either way, we shouldn't have to feel lost in our own feelings. There are ways to regain control and live the life that makes you happy."

It's true though, that, one's life has up and down. Which is pretty much unpredictable. And this makes life happen (although I have still looking for LIFE's definition). Anyway, she shouldn't think everything is what like in her imaginative world though. Once choosing to go there, be there! Participate in whatever shit they provided/have! Not just sitting in the room and think SHITS! Solving a problem is really going to solve it but NOT create another one!

"What am I doing with my life?"
According to Dr. Timothy Sharp
- it's normal to contemplate your direction in life- and happiness levels.
-"Although more people strive for contentment and want to live a good and meaningful life, very few actually know what this would be like. As a result, many people, at some point, feel lost and question what they're doing and where they're going."
- "Questioning can be a very constructive process; you focus on the positives and best possible outcomes."

Psychologist Gemma Cribb agrees, and says contemplation usually arises following an unexpected change of plans - something we should learn to embrace.
- "Change will happen whether we like it or not."
- "Look for the good in every opportunity that presents itself - you may even find that this 'scary' change is exactly what you need to move closer towards your goals."

Put your values first
In order to ponder things without panicking or fearing the worst, you need to pay attention to your true values.
- "Identify what's meaningful to you in life and these values will become a reference point."
- "Values are 'compass points', an idea of what direction y ou should go in, regardless of what other circumstances are happening in your life. They'll also protect you from getting off-track and assuming someone else's values as your own. For example, career may be important to your parents, but not so much to you, so learn to distinguish the difference."
- "balance your optimism with reality"
- "aim high"
- "dream big"

Who doesn't go through all this? Hey, you should know that, we're all only human, whatever you feel, we did too! It's all matter of "how you overcome it/solve it!" We all too, face the cold, hard realities of the day!!!

Gear up your goals
- "Be reasonable with your expectations of yourself and invest your energy towards different areas as the needs arise."

I hope you could find a way to reduce all those so-called stress/unhappiness/meaningless thoughts. All the best luck! I hope this much helps...

Play hard with your own part as a student! =)

PS: I know you can do it!!! *heart*

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