Friday, January 29

A&F kids

Dear A&F fans,

To whomever wants to buy A&F for their kids, nieces, nephews, etc..... A&F have loads of stylish one! Check 'em out on A&F website

Until then, xxoo.

Wednesday, January 27

another b'day

of my brother

 Happy Birthday bro.... I'll give what to give when you're back here lah! But let's have a peek! *teehee*

 Can't wait for you to come back....

Until next time, xxoo.

Tuesday, January 26

a girl who eats


Underneath this very roof, a monster lives in it...... 

Those who know this gal well, she has a bottomless-stomach a.k.a big-eater monster who had went to attack kitchen again even in her pjs. For your information, it was like TWO in the morning... YES, you didn't read it wrong... ITS fucking TWO in the bloody morning! This gal is a mess!!!! Perhaps her biological clock is always stays on breakfast time.

The gal means MOI (me). *giggles*

My sleep time, as well a MESS, too. I've got hungry, says every one to two hours. And once I eat, I can stuffed loads! That basically would have scared off all the ordinary eater.... *sigh*

In the kitchen, I found DEDE's!!!!!!

Dede's bakery shop is located at ground floor Gurney Plaza, Penang. It caught my eyes once I walked past because it has this very cute bread that are mickey head shape which chocolate layered and others are like ice-cream shape on ice-cream stick or even lollipop shape. Other than those mousey mousey bread, Dede's bakery shop have a lot more choices of bread like cheesy one, sweet one, super duper sweet one, normal one, charcoal one, green tea one, salty one...... You name it, you got it!

PS: Dede's bakery shop is really cute too!!! Like a wood-toy maker's living space! Heart it till the max!

PPS: They have promotion which-I-have-no-idea-how-long-it-lasted that if you buy 5 mousey mousey and you'll get a free one. *teehee*

It comes with this cute box with of mousey mousey in it.

See all this bread??? Have had already went into ma-tummy!!!! *look down with a bit of embarrassment*

Anyhow, if you have any chances to visit Dede's bakery house, I hope you'll like it!! For me, I love all the mousey mousey and the Polo Bun!!!!

Until then, xxoo.

Monday, January 25

my dream in the year of the Tiger


Believe or not, this coming Chinese New Year in 2010 with its zodiac-TIGER. "Born leader" is the keyword for the Tigers. They are always in the lead, noble and fearless. So, am hoping that in this very TIGER year, ME, a snake... Can be led by this very "BORN LEADER" year to be somehow SUCCESSFUL in........ *witch laughing*

Well, well, well.... My dream in the year of the Tiger is extremely simple. As a animal and veterinary field student, of course am dreaming (definitely want it to come true lah) the new university life in Australia will be a stunning beginning with a NEW MICROSCOPE-my own one!!! I've been dying for wanna get a microscope two years ago since I've first enter Canada University. I hate that I can only communicate with the microscope every twice a week in laboratory. Each time 3 hours, sometimes none, what the...... I'd say life's miserable without one microscope for me in the Tiger year!!!!!!

Purchasing a microscope there are three factors that should be considered. Using the one at the university laboratory is easy because basically what you've needed to do were taken it out and use and kept it back into the cupboard underneath the lab table. Have you ever think of once you wanna have one of your own, it'd be all a total different story. So, let's see:

1. How should the microscope be constructed?
  • Sturdiness is an important quality when considering a microscope. The microscope you purchase should be solidly constructed and composed of a sturdy metal alloy. It's best to avoid plastic microscopes due to it couldn't be last long.

2. What type of lighting is best?
  • Most microscopes that have a built-in light source use either a tungsten, fluorescent or halogen bulb. HINT: Fluorescent bulb systems are more expensive than tungsten systems, but the quality of light is brighter and they produce much less heat than either tungsten or halogen systems. Based on the lighting would have caused the cost differently of the microscope. What's next might help you out with the lighting, I guess...

3. What kind of specimens are you interested in viewing with the microscope? 
  • This is all depending on you. Like me, I am focusing more on dissecting/animals cell and sometimes plants'. Getting STEINDORFF Stereo Zoom Basic Series is appropriate! Its stereo zoom from 7.5 to 35X variable zoom magnification. Steindorff Zoom Stereo microscopes represent the latest in zoom technology. They are ideal for studying all aspects of biology including living organisms, dissections, geology, small parts and industrial inspection. The binocular head is inclined at a 45° angle for ease of operation and comfort. A heavy duty slip clutch system assures long life of the rack & pinion system. Dual diopter controls are standard on both viewing tubes. The interpupilary distance range is from 55mm to 75mm. The three ways of  its built-in-illumination-system allows transmitted, incident or dual lighting. Top light is 12v 20w halogen with variable intensity control and the bottom is cool white fluorescent 110v 5w, that allows for extended examination of live specimens. Even though it is a little costly, but for a better understanding of each and every function of different cells, its bloody WORTH it!!!

Seeing other professionals microscope user/photographer are making me full of enviness!

 Fluorescent actin protein filament by Dennis Breitsprecher.

mouse embryo

Arabidopsis thaliana anther confocal by Heiti Paves

Now you can see it... It is darn important for me to view and study ahead with all bazillion cells and living-things by needing only ONE MICROSCOPE!!! In this very Chinese New Year of 2010, as you can read above, my wish is simple and pure! I want a microscope for a better study in my field of courses.

Puh-leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!! Grant my wish!!!! *giggles*

Until next time. xxoo

Wednesday, January 20

A&F goes spring now

Dear A&F fans,

Abercrombie and Fitch now goes on Spring hot items! Should check them out at their website! Enjoy shopping!!!

Until then, xxoo.

an extraordinary pet


Besides turtle is one of the slow-motion animals, ever think of snail can be PET as PET too?? Trust me, it is easily taking care of and it doesn't need much looking after and not expensive to feed and house! They are also a lot of fun to watch! *please don't find me weird.. Its true!*

Have you ever think of having a snail as a pet? To most of you, maybe not. But to me... I was once had snail as my pet before-I am seriously serious! And people at my high school back in those days, SAW me had a snail crawling/sticked on my hand before- some went "ewwwwwwwwwwwwww" and some went "you SIAO one ah?"

PS: Snails don't mind being handled as long as you are gentle with them. Just WATCH OUT!!! Snail may leave a trail of mucus on your hand as you handle it. *giggles*

Normally to you people who walked into the pet shop these day will only AIMED at those animals like dogs, hamsters, birds, or cats<---Most basically one!! But lemme give you people a heads up first, they don't have snails for sale. In fact, I don't think they will ever have one! So, don't give up the thought of "wanting a snail as pet", if you have one. Choosing to own a land snail is very straightforward, especially in Malaysia! You can find or spot one snail effortlessly at your garden(its because they eat mainly plants so leaves from the garden make a nourishing meal) every morning or any other times. Those snails are harmless, in fact, they are what you're looking for! DO NOT ever think of that garden snail is un-pet-able even though they don't cost a cent! You're wrong! Anyhow, these slimy, interesting creatures make excellent pets and they don't require much attention. They are quite tough, suffer few health problems and are unlikely to come to much harm, unless YOU DROPPED THEM!!!!!

Although they can retreat into their shell, land snails also need a comfortable, air-conditioned home. DO NOT cage those snails in a wire cage, that would be difficult for the snails to move around those wire mesh. A plastic or glass tank is all that is required to keep them content. The cheapest way to house your snail is to buy a plant propagator (picture below) from a garden centre, they are easy to clean but they are not very robust. (Hint: if you can afford a better one, you can always get a plastic tank from pet centre.) Don't get anything that is smaller than 45x25x25cm, because although snail may be only 5cms long when you get them, but some of the snails (if you're lucky) will grow to six times that length!

How to add the base layer in the snail's hosue? Give your snail a nice thick layer, approximately 2cms of compost. This will hold moisture and help keep the tank humid, and also give your snails something to burrow in. You can use ordinary potting compost bought from the garden centre, but make extra sure there are no added chemicals, such as artificial fertilizers or pesticides, that could make your snail unwell. If you want to make your take look more interesting, it is okay to add in a piece of bark for the snail to crawl over or hide beneath. The temperature that snails like is around 22 Celsius degree, but in Malaysia, it does warmer than that and it doesn't matter so don't worry. The warmer the temperature, the more active the snail will be. This mean, the snail needs more food. So please beware this fact once you are owning a snail!

Feeding your land snail couldn't be easier. It will eat mainly plants. Almost any leafy vegetable is ideal as long as it is fresh. Leaves, grass and fruits will all do down well, but your snail will especially enjoy salad greens. It will also need calcium- you can buy this as a powder from your pet shop or provide it in the form of cuttlefish bones(its a good source of calcium carbonate, which helps the snail grow a good strong shell), which the snail will scrape away at with its rough tongue.
 Snail will get most of the water it needs from its food, but keep some in their home as well- a shallow container of water will do. The tank itself should be kept relatively humid. They are constantly losing water in their slime, so it's important to make sure that they have water to drink and that the compost is kept moist but not wet!

Hmph.... Lemme guess... You don't know how to differentiate a snail as a HE, SHE, or IT ei?? *giggles*  One of the most amazing things about snails is that they are known as hermaphrodites. As a matter of fact, there are no snails that known as male or female, and any snail is capable of mating with each another and lay eggs. This seems bloody incredible ei? But this make perfect sense for snails. So that in the wild, those snails have no need to worry about finding a FEMALE or MALE one out of..... Says from 100 of them (hint: don't forget that they are slow-motion crawler)?

Hope you like snail no matter what.... *giggles* Trust me, it is not gross or whatsoever.

To who those already owned a snail... Have fun and take great care of the snail(s).

Until next time. xxoo

Monday, January 18

a chocolate lover

Only Ferrero Rocher....

I am now located in Kelantan which, obviously has no variety choices of chocolate. Ohh wait, they indeed have many choices like, crispy krips, kindabueno, cadbury, etc... But seriously, besides Ferrero Rocher, I will still go for Ferrero Rocher! (No offense to the other chocolaties nahh! But somehow, you guys just.... Not my cup of tea...) *If they have Godiva, do I need to chooose anything else? giggles*

January 18th, 2010.

Found TEH MIN DEE is not just a bottomless-tummy creature but also has proven as a chocolate maniac!

PS: I wonder why she never concerns about her bloody darn weight! Geeez...

Until then. *Please don't get eating habit like me* XXOO

Friday, January 15

wonder what love is?

Ever wondering what love is? It's like a conventional WORD to almost everyone on this very planet. Mostly when come to it's true definition, no one can actually defines it. I find that, love is, in fact a multi-definitions vocab.

Maybe to you, until today, L.O.V.E is only meant that you and your partner sharing an affectionate and strong emotions together. That chemistry bonds that you have.... You'd think that as if no jealousy, no fight, no selfishness, etc are L.O.V.E.. But have you ever come to reality, at least ONCE?? Did you or did you not check/go through your partner's mobile for messages and receive-call lists? Go through your partner's drawer or wardrobe for "somehow-ly-hoping-to-find-some-evidences"? And many things that you people didn't conscious about when you are considering DEEPLY IN LOVE. Well, I don't know what is this situation known, but I can tell, L.O.V.E might not be like this. L.O.V.E should be something.... Whenever you heard it, butterflies inside your tummy will start flying around and make you literally spell S-M-I-L-E. Although to many others individual would be having different definition.

*Ahem* I admit that, I was once like this, like... SERIOUSLY! Despite it has already gone for like 6, 7 years... But that was quite an experience to me. *giggles* Bit by bit, I know that I can love someone so insanely deep and crazy which ISN'T cool at all!!!! Words coming out saying "No string attached", on the other hand, it does attached and it hell quite a pain whenever I heard any thing about..... After taking approximate 2 years of confronted this so-called complications... I guess, all those attached strings have had let go, GONE WITH THE WIND. Believe or not... I am now a love-free dude and I don't think I'll be like that in the future...(finger crossing hoping that I can make it) *Love here only meant for "boy-girlfriends' relationships (BGR)" 's love* Am no longer feel any heart constriction while hearing any recent updates by.... *Laugh out Loud* In fact, we are "hou peng you" now. (Friends)

All joking aside, recalling back how I was acting last time were a total fooled. Other than naive.... It was still fucking naive. *covering up my face with embarrassment yelling OH-NOOOOO*

To me now, I love, always have- my families, my dog, my friends and my everything I am owning now. Not particularly thinking of having another BGR yet... Presently, am putting a lot of efforts on learning new things, pursue even more should-have knowledge on animals, how to dealing with businesses, learn about investment, and politic issues. Making targets of each and every country which I wanted to go within years and all sorts.

If you have any heads up with what love is.... Please be kindly leave me comment...

Until then, xxoo.

Monday, January 11


Young, Young, Young..... *giggles*

Finally, there's a blog post about you today-on your SPECIAL day! *not as special as next year's today -11-1-11, I should add*

Happy Birthday to you!!!! May all your wishes come true (although I know that you've achieving one now) I love you, you know I always have! *giggles* I love having fun times with you and also those crazy moments when I got mad or whatsoever. I love being with you as the matter of fact! *LOL* <---- Perhaps this initial phrases are somehow-ly old-fashioned, but these are all I could have think off throughout bazillion words. *stick my tongued out playfully*

You and I had gone through so much. In fact, I've already take you as my brother, not cousinly cousin- if you know what I meant here...

In 2007, you've came around at Shen's place and we had so much fun before I've left Malaysia to Canada. Remember when I told you that your hair in GOLD made you look fucking like plumber? OK... HERE.... To help you ring a bell.. *LOL*
I won't forgot how we were like when at the airport bidding adieu... WOW, as I am recalling all those memories now, they were all feel so...... CLOSE yet!!! Gosh, I couldn't believe that all those have already been what? Darn!!! 3 years? *OMFG*

Anyhow, in 2008, when I came back from Canada.... We did hang out and cracked loads of jokes too in both Penang and KL. *giggles* Remember that we all went to the God-knows-what's-the-name of the Park for Japanese food in KL?? Again, to help you ring a bell>
Gosh, time did really go fast eh?

In 2009, you've came to picked me up at the airport when I've back from Canada. That time I was significantly gained 10 fucking kgs. *LMAO* You were like..... I could really tell how crappy your face expression were like at that time. GRRRRR... For your information now, I've lost all those extra fats on me... And I am no longer weight-with-initial-digit-5, in fact, it starts with 4 now!!!!!! *smile brightly* And yes, we had even more fun last year! The eating fest, the fun time with our niece and nephew, the fun times at KL, Shen's convo, the basketball madness, the one-day-trip to Genting, the golf playing, the squash playing, Min's wedding....

In this very 2010 year, all the best to you to be a fucking great darn PILOT! I will be your passenger very soon! I hope to have MORE MORE fun with you again in either Malaysia or Canada or Australia. We'll see! Right???

PS: Introduce me some of your French dudes, aight???
PPS: Start learning French now!!!!!!!!!!

Love you always! *huge smile*

Until then, xxoo.

Saturday, January 9

even shorter hair

Was really, really, REALLY sick with long hair... It looks dull and besides, it does make me feel superb hot while this place is freakin' known as Malaysia summore. And beside besides, it was my dad, he wanted me to cut my hair off since I was......... BORN I should say.... He doesn't really like it when I got my hair long.... *have no idea* Anyway, after all the 'beh-tahan-ness', I went for a shorter hair look before Christmas....

It went from this long:

To this length:
Within a month, which is today, I went for a cut again for EVEN shorter.... And I like it! Really really like it! Somehow, my dad didn't see that it has any obviously-huge differences, but to me.... IT DOES!!! I guess this is the very last time I'd cut... At least not until I'm going to depart to Australia... *smile*

Here goes from this long:

To this length:
Until next time. xxoo

only donuts I love


  • Tim Hortons, Canada
The Tim Horton's donuts are MUST try-out!!! One of my top 10 favorites is the Vanilla with Sprinkles (picture above). Tim's have variety choices and I bet you people will incredibly fall in love instantly with their donuts! Its thickness and softness and the superb sweetness are inevitably irresistible.
  • Starbucks Coffee House, Malaysia
the Starbucks Coffee House's donut is insanely good too! Even they don't have any other choices for donut. But the classic sugar coated donut is the best in the house!!! Softness, sweetness and its size are absolutely a contented combination!!!

>>> Krispy Kreme, er.... Somehow-ly acceptable at some points... Seriously... SOMEHOW~

I have certainly no idea 'bout why and how insanely would people want to queue up with fucking darn long line for BIG APPLE and J.CO donuts. WHY??? This is obviously no offense. Just a general question that I would like to know from your opinion. Why Big Apple or J.Co? Are they really that nice??? And tell me, what's so nice about them? 'Cause I don't really get it yet 'til now... In fact, I find them are absolutely not what I'd expected by seeing all those queuing-up-scene. Hmph..... Or maybe I'm the weird one here??? *puzzled look*

Up-me-to-date if I've missed out the BEST donuts in either Malaysia or throughout the other countries. Your info is much appreciated. *giggles*

Until next time. xxoo

Friday, January 8

what's new on A&F

Dear Abercrombie and Fitch fans,

Check out A&F new stuffs on their website!

Hope y'all like it and enjoy shopping! *giggles*

Until next time for A&F fans!


wild-krazee night

at PCB...

What's fun to do when you are at the beach??? There are plenty of them. Trust me, if you're a good fun seeker, then you'd know what to do BEST when you are at the beach with your friends! Such as:

  • Frisbee. It is always fun to play Frisbee with your friends in group!!! Or even you can play it with your dog (if you have one, and make sure it will come back to you, not after the Frisbee and gone forever in sight....)
  • Go topless!!!!!! *LOL* It should be fun, I know it is!!!
  • Write on sand. It is a classic one, I believe that everyone who goes to the beach will certainly do so... Eh?
  • Sun bathing! Ooooh, my favorite! *two thumbs up*
  • Build a sandcastle.
  • Bury your friends or even yourself into the sand and make the best shape out of it ON YOU/FRIENDS. This should be really fun!!
  • Surfing/wakeboarding/snorkerling or even scuba diving.
  • Twister board is always good too!!!!
There are more more more fun facts ahead for you to make them happen!!!

For me, I am now located at a non-able-to-do-so-place-that-if-you-go-topless-you'd-die-by-..... *should I finish the sentence?* I don't think so... In short, I am now in Kelantan, KOTA BHARU. The most popular/ "well-known" beach is Pantai Cahaya Bulan a.k.a PCB. It has many indecent news that had happened at the very location. Just be goddamn careful once you go there.

I was there on the 5th with my friends.

1. beer?
2. chicken?
3. hotdogs?
4. snacks? √
5. honey?
6. mayonese?
7. chili sause?
8. swim suit?
9. extra clothes?
10. necesarrily tools?

I was considered quiet at first *frankly, had already tried to loosen up looads*. Then there was some tiny incident happened at the very beginning of the par-tay..... We were there was because of BBQ that we were planning earlier. And then, the BBQ stools and material weren't there yet (from another coming friend) and a few poor kittens *us* were hungry so we went to took-away from Sentol Seafood Restaurant for spicy belut and fried squid for four.

Awhile later when the BBQ stool was arrived... We were then realized that, building up fire wasn't easy at all without propane's help. *Grrrrrr* So we've had tried a lot of ways to get the fire build-up. Such as..... Boiled the vodka and lit it on fire and pour it all over the charcoal... Find it helpful?? NOPE.... Not at all..... *Double GRRRRR* We were then somehow, got it fired up eventually..... Thank God for that.....

You have to know that, once I've loosen up myself to 90%, I'd done crazy things like no one's business. *Ahem, things that is considering decent lah of course* I'd join Uwei and Sunny to go for a swim at 1++ in the fucking damn MORNING. *YES, we really did* We had so much fun and when the guys joined in.... CRAP.... Things went even crazier.... OH.... Too bad that they couldn't got the chance to snap a photo of ME when Sunny LITERALLY grabbed/pushed/threw me into the pool. My body was inside the pool and my legs were still on the edge of the swimming pool wall.... AND THAT, they describe me as a SEA LION of the day.... How perfect! ALL thanks to Sunny.... *giggles*

Fun time was always SHORT.... Really short..... What I mean here was that, in the meanwhile when we were having water fight and all sorts in the pool, until the security guard of the chalet came close and SHOOOO-ED us away..... *triple GRRRRRRRRRRR* But swimming at 1++ in the MORNING was bloody exciting and FUN!!!!

After drying up ourselves, we continued second round of the BBQ sessions and more vodka and beers.... Even more crap jokes that led us forgot the time until 5 in the morning. Went back home with minimum noise and got to sleep in with all the TIREDNESS!!!

Bottom line, I called it a wild night out! * ^_^*

for more pictures, go to my flickr. (hint: some of the photos are not up yet... But SOON)

Until then. xxoo

Thursday, January 7

ways of reaching me

Dear readers,

How was your 2010 so far? Please be kindly sharing any interesting that had already happened to you!

This is never an emergency news. *giggles*

Just an small update of reminding y'all, that, there are ways to reach me by e-mailing me or text me, IM me, FB me or leave me any message on my blog site. It's all up to you. But, you guys have to know that I have a few e-mail address now, they are:


You are more than welcome to contact me with anything or forward any kind of email to me (ANY KIND meant something DECENT here, thanks for your attention about this). It's my pleasure to get anything from you. *smile*

If you're planning to add me on MSN, here's:

My screen name is - m i n d e e -

Other than this, I couldn't really give out my mobile number..... You should know why. *giggles*

Until next time. xxoo

Tuesday, January 5

my flickr

Dear readers,

I know if you're checking out my blog, facebook, or following me on twitter. You'll see some photos of me. But I guess I will not be uploading photos on facebook that often anymore. If you're still interesting on what I've done throughout my life, please check them out on:


I don't have much photos uploaded yet, due to the freakin' 100MB per month... *wth* Well, I will eventually have them all uploaded to share with y'all! Besides, I will inevitably upload them according to the blog post I'll had for sure.

Thanks for reading.

Until then. XXOO

Monday, January 4

two beloved one

Coming back home secretively, without telling my parents is what my sister and brother-in-law do best! They did that every single time. But they couldn't surprised me because they had to tell me once they had planned to come back. WHY? 'Cause they need me to clean up the room for them- my brother-in-law is freaking allergic to dust! Whenever they are around, CALL ME AN OFFICIAL MAID IN THE HOUSE! *cough*

We went to dine in Ban Suan Thai Restaurant when they got back here on the 1st day. It is a fully thai food restaurant but they have their specialty, that is the Korean Steamboat. We've ordered one of the Korean Steamboat and some individuals dishes. It's unexpectedly tasty and everything was just great! Luckily the night when we were dining in was quite damp- after raining and still a lil' bit of drizzling and its cooling, so having steamboad and thai food wasn't really made us sweat like mad cows. It was just great/good timing, I should say. *giggles*

seeing this is absolutely making me famish!!!

My favorite is the chicken and the pork! Both of them are the MUST order items!!! Trust me, you have my words. I know you'll like them like I do too!!!

PS: I am so going to get the Volkswagen 1964 classic bus-looking vehicle and modified myself! I just so in love with it! (hint: If I could not be able to have it, I don't mind having Beetle as well... *giggles*)

PPS: HINT HINT HINT to MinMin and PC. KOKO!!! BEETLE BEETLE BEETLE in lime green color or bright yellow for my 21 birthday nah????? *LMAO* Loads of love for you both!!! XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOO

I gotten WORDLESS about my brother-in-law now, this (the photo above) was taken by him. It's blurry as y'all can see. According to him, this is known Parkinson Effect (the shaky hand)!!! *LOL* But still, thanks to him, I find this photo was quite interesting. I'd moved from one side to another and still it was able to captured it! I er.... Somehow impressed. This is a total coincidence of "likingness". If not I'll be deleting the photo for sure.

A family photo that was taken during my sister's wedding. I, well, all of us LOVE the photo!!! We even planned to get it in BIGGER size and all sorts.

PPPS: It is too bad that my brother wasn't back this time, then we'll have a family reunion part III!

Until then. xxoo

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