Monday, January 11


Young, Young, Young..... *giggles*

Finally, there's a blog post about you today-on your SPECIAL day! *not as special as next year's today -11-1-11, I should add*

Happy Birthday to you!!!! May all your wishes come true (although I know that you've achieving one now) I love you, you know I always have! *giggles* I love having fun times with you and also those crazy moments when I got mad or whatsoever. I love being with you as the matter of fact! *LOL* <---- Perhaps this initial phrases are somehow-ly old-fashioned, but these are all I could have think off throughout bazillion words. *stick my tongued out playfully*

You and I had gone through so much. In fact, I've already take you as my brother, not cousinly cousin- if you know what I meant here...

In 2007, you've came around at Shen's place and we had so much fun before I've left Malaysia to Canada. Remember when I told you that your hair in GOLD made you look fucking like plumber? OK... HERE.... To help you ring a bell.. *LOL*
I won't forgot how we were like when at the airport bidding adieu... WOW, as I am recalling all those memories now, they were all feel so...... CLOSE yet!!! Gosh, I couldn't believe that all those have already been what? Darn!!! 3 years? *OMFG*

Anyhow, in 2008, when I came back from Canada.... We did hang out and cracked loads of jokes too in both Penang and KL. *giggles* Remember that we all went to the God-knows-what's-the-name of the Park for Japanese food in KL?? Again, to help you ring a bell>
Gosh, time did really go fast eh?

In 2009, you've came to picked me up at the airport when I've back from Canada. That time I was significantly gained 10 fucking kgs. *LMAO* You were like..... I could really tell how crappy your face expression were like at that time. GRRRRR... For your information now, I've lost all those extra fats on me... And I am no longer weight-with-initial-digit-5, in fact, it starts with 4 now!!!!!! *smile brightly* And yes, we had even more fun last year! The eating fest, the fun time with our niece and nephew, the fun times at KL, Shen's convo, the basketball madness, the one-day-trip to Genting, the golf playing, the squash playing, Min's wedding....

In this very 2010 year, all the best to you to be a fucking great darn PILOT! I will be your passenger very soon! I hope to have MORE MORE fun with you again in either Malaysia or Canada or Australia. We'll see! Right???

PS: Introduce me some of your French dudes, aight???
PPS: Start learning French now!!!!!!!!!!

Love you always! *huge smile*

Until then, xxoo.

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