Saturday, January 9

even shorter hair

Was really, really, REALLY sick with long hair... It looks dull and besides, it does make me feel superb hot while this place is freakin' known as Malaysia summore. And beside besides, it was my dad, he wanted me to cut my hair off since I was......... BORN I should say.... He doesn't really like it when I got my hair long.... *have no idea* Anyway, after all the 'beh-tahan-ness', I went for a shorter hair look before Christmas....

It went from this long:

To this length:
Within a month, which is today, I went for a cut again for EVEN shorter.... And I like it! Really really like it! Somehow, my dad didn't see that it has any obviously-huge differences, but to me.... IT DOES!!! I guess this is the very last time I'd cut... At least not until I'm going to depart to Australia... *smile*

Here goes from this long:

To this length:
Until next time. xxoo

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