Monday, January 18

a chocolate lover

Only Ferrero Rocher....

I am now located in Kelantan which, obviously has no variety choices of chocolate. Ohh wait, they indeed have many choices like, crispy krips, kindabueno, cadbury, etc... But seriously, besides Ferrero Rocher, I will still go for Ferrero Rocher! (No offense to the other chocolaties nahh! But somehow, you guys just.... Not my cup of tea...) *If they have Godiva, do I need to chooose anything else? giggles*

January 18th, 2010.

Found TEH MIN DEE is not just a bottomless-tummy creature but also has proven as a chocolate maniac!

PS: I wonder why she never concerns about her bloody darn weight! Geeez...

Until then. *Please don't get eating habit like me* XXOO

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